Phoenix Bar

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Phoenix Bar

Address :

Denisova 295, 779 00 Olomouc, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +779
Categories :
City : Olomouc

Denisova 295, 779 00 Olomouc, Czechia
Jakub Španihel on Google

Je noc? Je zima? Dal by sis ještě pivo a cígo, ale už tě s tím nikde nechtějí? Phoenix Bar je tady furt a non-stop. Tvrdé noční dojezdy, ranní rozjezdy, ale hlavně spousta příběhů, které jinde nepotkáš. Muž s největším pupkem, kterýs pravděpodobně kdy viděl, až ke kolenům. Servírka vyhazující spící zevláky kýblem studené vody, samozřejmě jukebox s top peckama. To a mnohé další je Phoenix! ;)
It's night? It is cold? Would you like another beer and a cig, but they don't want you anywhere with that? Phoenix Bar is here all the time and non-stop. Hard arrivals of the night, early morning starts, but mostly a lot of stories that will not meet elsewhere. The man with the greatest navel you have ever seen, up to your knees. Waitress sleeping zevláky throwing a bucket of cold water, of course jukebox with top peckama. That and many more is Phoenix! ;)
Matěj Lošťák on Google

Zapadlý bar nevalné pověsti. Velmi zakouřeno, jelikož není veden jako bar či hospoda, ale jako “soukromý” klub.
A sunken bar of bad reputation. Very smoky, as it is not run as a bar or pub, but as a "private" club.
David Hujer on Google

Obsluha je tady naprosto mizerná hlavně si dávejte pozor na slečnu jménem Nikola. Je to otravný a nepříjemný skřet.Ale mám ji moc rád ?????
The staff here is absolutely miserable, especially watch out for a lady named Nikola. It's annoying and annoying goblin. But I love her very much ?????
Doomed Unleashed on Google

Non stop. Dobrá točená kofola. Stupidní členství klubovny je tu kvůli tomu že tam nepouští cikorky a aby tam lidi mohli kouřit.
Non stop. Good draft kofola. Stupid membership of the clubhouse is due to the fact that there is no chicory and that people can smoke there.
Marek Trnka on Google

Poradila vstřícná servírka Mirka kde a kam zajít na pivo.
The helpful waitress Mirka advised where and where to go for a beer.
Luba planička on Google

Je to nonstop tak pohoda když se člověk zapomene na nějaké akci a jede mu spoj až ráno
It's so non-stop so cool when you forget about an event and the connection goes until the morning
Tomáš Řihošek on Google

It's a dingy little joint, but hey, that's where you're supposed to be when you're still thirsty at 3 a.m., right? The staff are pros and they'll even whip up a hot dog or a pre-frozen hamburger kind of thing for you, if you ask nicely.
María Muñoz on Google

We weren't aware that this is in fact a smoke in club, but they allow us in and were super nice!! We drank svařák and it was really good

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