Pilsner Hospůdka Okrouhlá - Pilsner Hospůdka Okrouhlá

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pilsner Hospůdka Okrouhlá

Address :

473 01 Okrouhlá, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7799
Postal code : 473
Categories :
City : Okrouhlá

473 01 Okrouhlá, Czechia
Josef Serdel on Google

Všem jen doporučuji. Personál restaurace U Slunce se ze Skalice přesunul do Okrouhlé a pokračuje v zajeté tradici podávaných výborných pokrmů a chutného piva za lidové ceny. Rádi se vracíme a vždy si pochutnáme☺.
I just recommend it to everyone. The staff of the U Slunce restaurant has moved from Skalice to Okrouhlá and continues the well-established tradition of serving excellent food and tasty beer at popular prices. We are happy to return and always enjoy ourselves☺.
David Junger on Google

Výborné jídlo za skvělou cenu, dokonale podtrhne příjemná obsluha.
Excellent food for a great price, perfectly underlined by pleasant service.
Kveta Hradecka on Google

Moc jsme si pochutnali, vše bylo vynikající. Velká porce, rychlá obsluha.
We really enjoyed it, everything was delicious. Large portion, fast service.
ambiell jenis on Google

Hezké prostředí.Rychlá a příjemná obsluha.Skvělé pivo a jídlo výborné.Rádi se vrátíme.
Nice environment. Fast and friendly service. Great beer and excellent food. We will be happy to return.
Vit Martinec on Google

Doporučuji, skvělá kuchyně a personál. Veliká pochvala a spokojenost.
Lucie Čechová on Google

TOP VEČEŘE !! ? Moc jsme si pochutnali, jídlo bylo rychle na stole. Chutě perfektní porce obrovská,že by se z toho najedli dva. Určitě znovu navštívíme.. Doporučujeme ??
TOP DINNER !! ? We enjoyed it a lot, the food was on the table quickly. The taste of the perfect portion is huge, that two of them would be eaten. We will definitely visit again .. We recommend ??
Bohuslav Lojek on Google

Občas se tam stavíme na dobré jídlo, obsluha super
Sometimes we stop there for good food, the service is great
Thomas Kooy on Google

Eating in this restaurant has been a great experience for many years. They always manage to make the food delicious and on time. The ambiance in the restaurant makes you feel right at home. And for the foreign guests it's good to know that the menu is besides czech also written in german, english and dutch. I would absolutly recommend this restaurant!

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