Pizza Dolce

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pizza Dolce

Address :

Malkovského 608/9, 199 00 Praha 18, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7799
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday 11AM–10PM
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Categories :
City : Praha

Malkovského 608/9, 199 00 Praha 18, Czechia
irca_iri on Google

Naprostá hrůza..Na jído si počkáte v rozmezí 1-2hodiny..Do restaurace musíte xkrát volat, zda tam vaší objednávku vůbec mají..Pak vše dohání na rychlovku a dle toho to vypadá..Stalo se nám to už asi 3x po sobě..Dnes byla posední tečka..Těstoviny byli převařené, plavaly v bíle vodě a že měli být zapečené o tom ani nemluvím..Hrůza, která se nedá jíst!!!! Před rokem ještě vše v pohodě, ale teď katastrofa!!!Tady už neobjednáme nikdy..
Absolute horror..You will wait for food in the range of 1-2 hours..You have to call the restaurant x times if they have your order there at all..Then everything catches up on the express and it looks like that..It has happened to us about 3 times in a row ..There was a possession dot today..The pasta was overcooked, it was swimming in white water and I shouldn't even talk about it being baked..A horror that can't be eaten !!!! A year ago, everything was still fine, but now a disaster !!! We will never order here again ..
Julca Julca on Google

X let vše vpořádku. Cca před měsícem jsem na pizzu čekala 1h15min. Několikrát jsem musela volat do pizzerie. Pizza byla studena. Dnes jsem opět objednala a upozornila je na chybu,která se stala. Jednou se stát může. Opět 1h15min s výmluvami,že se mi řidič nemůže dovolat a že mi psal sms. Nic. Z obchodu mi volali a dovolali se bez problémů. Při mé stížnosti,co se zase děje,tak si to mám vyřídit s řidičem. Copak on je můj zaměstnanec? Jdeme hledat jinou pizzerii. Nedoporučuji.
X years all right. About a month ago, I waited for pizza for 1h15min. I had to call the pizzeria several times. The pizza was cold. Today I ordered again and alerted them to a mistake that had happened. It can happen one day. 1h15min again with excuses that the driver can't call me and that he wrote me an SMS. Nothing. They called me from the store and called me without any problems. In my complaint about what is happening again, I have to deal with the driver. Is he my employee? We're going to look for another pizzeria. I do not recommend.
Miroslav Pešek on Google

Mihajlo Stojanoski on Google

Excellent pizza!
David Warp on Google

Pizza delivery.. quick and good
Joyce Jeffrey on Google

The best pizzeria in Letnany, cheap and good. Highly recommended!!!
Zoran Dimitrijevič on Google

Pizzeria Italiano Dolce Vitejte Benvenuti Welcom Izvolite :) :) :) accept Visa a master card
Richard Spreng on Google

Pizza was good, but tonno salad was not edible: smelled and tasted like it was spoiled

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