Pizza Gogo

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pizza Gogo

Address :

Starokolínská 95, 190 16 Praha 21, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +78
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha

Starokolínská 95, 190 16 Praha 21, Czechia
Lukáš Kravčík on Google

Pizzu radši komentovat nebudu, protože to něco kruhového bez chuti zavřené v krabici si komentář nezaslouží... Ale! Chicago burger naprosto skvělý! (objednáno nejednou) minule jsme zkusili i lasagne a gnocchi a ty byly chuťově perfektní. Škoda té pizzy, jinak by to bylo 10z10.
I'd rather not comment on the pizza, because something tasteless round locked in a box doesn't deserve a comment ... But! Chicago burger absolutely great! (ordered more than once) last time we tried lasagna and gnocchi and they were perfect in taste. Too bad the pizza, otherwise it would be 10 of 10.
Veronika Jasinecka on Google

Dnes 13.4.2022 jsem objednavala jídlo. Spagety carbonara, burger chicago a pizzu bovino prosciutto. Musím říct, ze to byla úplná paráda. Jídlo dorazilo horké, perfektně dochucene. Objednavame odsud již řadu let, nicméně nedávno jsme dali delší pauzu, protože jídlo se rapidně zhoršilo. Něco se tam muselo změnit. Nejspíše nový kuchař. Burgery se zvedli o 300%! Pizza taky o hodně. Těstoviny měli dobré snad vždy..:D Posílám velkou chválu a děkuji. (Za tohle bych dávala prémie ??) P.s. : mají moc mile kurýry. Vždy slušní a milý , jezdí dříve, než je domluvený čas.pokud v podniku nejsou schopni stihnout, upozorní při objednávce, tudíž mate možnost si vybrat, zda chcete čekat. .. ?? Velice doporučuji.
Today, April 13, 2022, I ordered food. Spaghetti carbonara, chicago burger and prosciutto bovine pizza. I have to say it was great. The food arrived hot, perfectly seasoned. We've been ordering from here for many years, but we recently took a longer break because the food deteriorated rapidly. Something must have changed there. Probably a new chef. Burgers have risen 300%! Pizza a lot too. The pasta has always been good ..: D I send a lot of praise and thank you. (I would give a premium for this ??) P.s. : They have very nice couriers. Always polite and kind, they drive earlier than the agreed time. If they are not able to catch up in the company, they will warn you when ordering, so you have the option to choose whether you want to wait. .. ?? I highly recommend.
Eva S on Google

Vlade on Google

Martin “devNull” Fišnar on Google

Fast, affordable, delicious pizza.
Walid Tarhini on Google

Very pleasant personnel. Tasty pizza. Moderate prices. Strongly recommended.
Andrius Kunčina on Google

Really fast, not overpriced, easy going and friendly service and REALLY great pizzas, pastas and gnocchis. Burgers not so awesome, but they sell pizzas most and they work. A really honest and hard working bunch of people.
Vojtěch Tancoš on Google

Amazing place, delicious food and adorable stuff! Lot of vegan options, you must try the homemade rice mozzarela.

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