Pizza Pepino

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pizza Pepino

Address :

Boleslavská 128, 507 43 Sobotka, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77777
Website :
Categories :
City : Sobotka

Boleslavská 128, 507 43 Sobotka, Czechia
Iva Macounova on Google

Výborná pizza, rychlá, milá obsluha. Někdy nemají úplně všechno ve chvíli, kdy si usmyslíme, ale to je snad pochopitelné, aspoň vyzkoušíme všechno. Zatím jsme nikdy nebyli zklamaní.
Excellent pizza, fast, friendly service. Sometimes they don't have everything when we think about it, but that's understandable, at least we try everything. We have never been disappointed.
Kamča Procházková on Google

Už po čtvrté sem nám nepodařilo si objednat pizzu v Sobotce ač jsme Soboťáci majitel nám tvrdil že mají do osmy ale na netu mají napsáno do devíti a volali jsme v sedm. Jsme zkrátka nespokojení že tyto služby nám nejsou vyhověny ale objednaly jsme si pizzu v Sukoradech a zpravily si náladu .
For the fourth time we did not manage to order a pizza in Sobotka, although we are Soboťáci, the owner told us that they have until eight, but they have written on the net until nine and we called at seven. We are simply dissatisfied that these services are not suitable for us, but we ordered a pizza in Sukorady and set the mood.
alena gregorova on Google

Výborná pizza, usměvavá obsluha super ceny.
Great pizza, smiling service at a great price.
Jakub Pastrnak on Google

Pizzu dělají dobrou, jen šef je arogantě agresivní. Jakmile máte nějaký dotaz tak se s Vámi začne dohadovat a odkazovat Vás ať oslovíte konkurenci. Jako třešníčku na dortu Vám položí telefon a pak ho nějaký čas odmítá zvednout. Nemají platbu kartou pokud si pizzu objednáte s dovážkou
They make a good pizza, only the boss is arrogantly aggressive. As soon as you have a question, they will start arguing with you and refer you to the competition. He puts the phone on the cake like the icing on the cake and then refuses to pick it up for a while. They do not have payment by card if you order pizza with delivery
Otakar Tanák on Google

Obsluha venku kouři, takže podat mi pizzu na tacku se jim za cca 7 min nepodařilo
The staff smokes outside, so they couldn't give me a pizza on a sack in about 7 minutes
Tereza Matouskova on Google

Jednoznačně nejhorsi pizza, kterou jsme kdy jedli. Quatro formaggi = testo posypané sýrem (tipuji, že eidam 30), bez rajčatového zakladu, absolutně bez chuti. Tuňaková o malý chlup lepší, ale i tak bída, suché, neochucené. Nikdy více ?
By far the worst pizza we've ever eaten. Quatro formaggi = dough sprinkled with cheese (I guess eidam 30), without tomato base, absolutely tasteless. Tuna a little better hair, but still miserable, dry, unflavored. Never again ?
Roman Bajer on Google

Super pizza..
Yahel .Tzuriel on Google

Wow, what a pleasant surprise! We were looking for something quick to eat in the area and happened upon this pizzeria. My friend and I ordered a quarter pizza each (one of them with mushrooms the other with bacon) and they were delicious so we ordered another quarter each (one spicy with pepperoni and jalapenos, one with zucchini, tomato and spinach). The second quarters were so good we ordered another quarter... If we didn't have a flight to catch from prague we would have probably had a full pizza each (at least).

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