Pizzeria Lucciano - Hlavní 629

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pizzeria Lucciano

Address :

Hlavní 629, 691 85 Dolní Dunajovice, Czechia

Postal code : 691
Website : http://pizzerielucciano.cz/
Categories :
City : Dolní Dunajovice

Hlavní 629, 691 85 Dolní Dunajovice, Czechia
Petr Nečada on Google

S kamarády jsme zašli na večeři. Objednali jsme si pizzy. Paní servírka je zároveň asi i kuchařka. Pizzy nám paní donášela postupně, takže poslední z nás čekal na jídlo cca 1, 5hod! Pizzy byly velké ale z nejlevnějších surovin. Nebyly dochucené. Přitom ceny jsou hodně vysoké. Pokud jste skupina a chcete se dobře najíst, určitě zajděte jinam.
My friends and I went to dinner. We ordered pizzas. The waitress is also probably a cook. The lady brought us pizzas gradually, so the last of us waited for food for about 1.5 hours! The pizzas were large but made from the cheapest ingredients. They were not flavored. At the same time, prices are very high. If you are a group and want to eat well, be sure to go elsewhere.
Zdenek Krasny on Google

Člověk obvykle přihmouří oko, pokud se něco trochu nepovede, ale na takové množství zádrhelů by byla krátká i šestiočka moravská. Obávám se, že provozovat restauraci, kde je číšník zároveň kuchařem, opravdu nelze. Pizza byla předražená, nedobrá a připravovaná v průběhu hodiny postupně po jednom kuse. Samozřejmě když je obsluha v kuchyni, hostům začínají vysychat poháry a marně čekají na další drink. Nervózní a nabručené jsou nakonec obě strany. Doporučuji přehodnotit koncept "pizzerie" a buď si najmout schopného pizzaře, nebo raději zůstat u piva, hermelínu a utopenců.
One usually closes one's eye if something goes a little, but for such a large number of snags, even the Moravian Sixes would be short. I'm afraid it's impossible to run a restaurant where the waiter is also a chef. The pizza was overpriced, poor and prepared over the course of one hour. Of course, when the staff is in the kitchen, the guests start to dry their glasses and wait in vain for another drink. In the end, both sides are nervous and grumpy. I recommend reconsidering the concept of a "pizzeria" and either hiring a capable pizzeria, or rather staying with beer, camembert and drowned people.
Ulowa on Google

Its closed already at 21
Василий Романюк on Google

luky. dbr on Google

Henry van de Venter on Google

Good pizza and great beer. Good hangout for when we are done here visiting friends
Ladislav Taliga on Google

Very slow service. We have waited an hour for 3 pizzas, 2 fried cheese, and one salad. 2 fried cheese came last. Beer came after 20-30 minutes. Food was alright though
jay hague on Google

Beer garden was a pleasent area and decent beer. Waitress relatively friendly. Pizzas without taste, no herbs, tasteless cheese, average base, over compensated by adding more toppings than ive ever seen on any pizza. Seemed like they had one small oven as all four pizzas came out at different times. Slow service for a more than half empty place. Fair prices.

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