4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact POE-POE

Address :

Prostřední 41, 686 01 Uherské Hradiště, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +79
Website : http://www.poe-poe.cz/
Categories :
City : Uherské Hradiště

Prostřední 41, 686 01 Uherské Hradiště, Czechia
Veronika Hájková on Google

Super fast food oživení, bomba rolka,okay pizza a neskutečné palačinky ?
Super fast food revival, bomb roll, okay pizza and unreal pancakes ?
Leopold 2. Berchtold on Google

Pizza vcelku dobrá, hodně mastná.
Vass on Google

Mila super rychla obsluha. Jidlo jsem dostala zabalene, ani jsem nemrkla. Pizza syrova ujde, zadny chutovy zazrak. Poe rolka chutove vyborna, ale strasne mastna. Uff, stacila bohate 1. Bio lasagne chutove suche a nic moc (za ty penize, to vubec nestalo). No, sem se jen tak uz nevratim.
Mila super fast service. I got food packed, I didn't blink. Raw cheese pizza, no taste miracle. Poe roll tasteful, but greasy. Uff, enough rich 1. Bio lasagna tastes dry and not much (for the money, it didn't happen at all). Well, I'm not coming back here anymore.
Kačenka S. on Google

Člověk si objedná s chutí palačinku a tohle mu dovezou tak to je síla
One tastes a pancake and they bring it to him, so it's strength
Markéta Batečková on Google

Opravdu moc dobré jídlo, fajn ceny, jediné co můžu vytknout je špatně vyřešený prostor k sezení uvnitř restaurace.
Really very good food, nice prices, the only thing I can complain about is the poorly designed seating area inside the restaurant.
Lumilia on Google

Na konci ledna jsme zavítali do pobočky v UH. Objednali jsme si hotdog - který byl strašně suchý a gumový - a dále kávu, vafle a smoothie. Káva průměr, ale spíš mě zarazilo, že jelikož jsme si vše brali s sebou, obsluha udělala nejprve kávu a pak jsme museli asi 15 minut čekat na zbytek, takže než jsme dostali zbytek, byla studená. Nenabídli ani sami cukr, musela jsem si říct. Nutno nyní podotknout, že jsme byli jediní čekající zakazníci. Obsluhou byli dva studenti - vysoký kluk a menší slečna. Loupala pomeranče takovým způsobem, že jsme jen čekali, kdy se pořeže a trvalo to hrozně dlouho. Vafle byly dobré, ale asi díky tomu, že je ten kluk nedělal. Měli jsme celkem 2 krabičky a 3 kelímky, nemohli jsme to unést. Ten kluk nám nedal ani tašku, ani nenabídl příbor! Zase jsme si museli vyptat, načež nám chtěl dát jenom jeden příbor na dva lidi a taška stejně nic. Pak si nějakému příchozímu kamarádovi stěžoval, že musel dělat dvě vafle!!! a že to bylo hrozně náročné. Jako obsluha katastrofa, jídlo průměr, znovu už ne, i když vafle byly dobré, avšak kupované.
At the end of January, we visited the branch in UH. We ordered a hot dog - which was terribly dry and rubbery - as well as coffee, waffles and smoothies. Coffee average, but I was rather surprised that because we took everything with us, the staff first made coffee and then we had to wait for about 15 minutes for the rest, so before we got the rest, it was cold. They didn't even offer sugar themselves, I had to say. It should now be noted that we were the only waiting customers. The staff was two students - a tall boy and a younger girl. It peeled oranges in such a way that we just waited for it to cut, and it took an awful long time. The waffles were good, but probably because the boy didn't make them. We had a total of 2 boxes and 3 cups, we could not bear it. The boy didn't give us a bag or offer cutlery! We had to ask ourselves again, after which he only wanted to give us one cutlery for two people and a bag anyway. Then he complained to an incoming friend that he had to make two waffles !!! and that it was terribly difficult. As a disaster handler, the food averaged, not again, although the waffles were good but bought.
Radu Sofronici on Google

Good Pizza, waffles and crepes. Quiet and clean place.
AHAstudio on Google

The pancakes and waffles are for a good price, the girls there kind of slow in preparing your order, especially if you go for the pancake and/or milk shake, like I did. the meal itself was fine, nevertheless the big disappointment was how they serve it once you stay eating inside. They just put my pancake on a napkin in one case and on a paper tray the second time. Problem with such serving is that the pancake soaks into the paper and its terrible. They also refused to put my order on a plastic tray claiming that I would have needed to have three items on my order to be entitled to a plastic tray. What a ridiculous rule.

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