Poliklinika Soběslav - P. Voka 159

2.6/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Poliklinika Soběslav

Address :

P. Voka 159, 392 01 Soběslav, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +88
Postal code : 392
Website : https://www.musobeslav.cz/mesto/mestske-organizace/poliklinika-sobeslav/
Categories :
City : Soběslav

P. Voka 159, 392 01 Soběslav, Czechia
Stanislav Pražma on Google

Eva Kvapilova on Google

Mam starecke choroby a je to v dosahu
I have old age diseases and it's within reach
Libor Borč on Google

Přístup doktora na pohotovosti... škoda mluvit.
Doctor's access to the emergency room ... shame to talk.
L. Poupě on Google

naprosto amatérský přístup, nic neví a jenom posílají do Tábora. Neochota, neznalost. Raději aby něco nepokazili, tak do nem. Tábor. A pak hodiny....katastrofa!
absolutely amateurish approach, they know nothing and just send to Tábor. Reluctance, ignorance. Better not to spoil anything, so to him. Camp. And then hours .... disaster!
Nikola Prochazkova on Google

Jeli jsme sem dvakrat, vzdy v sobotu. V obou pripadech z technickych duvodu zavreno a odkaz na pohotovost ve Veseli nebo Tabore. V prvnim pripade jsme ve Veseli uspeli (nicmene bez otevrene lekarny to k nicemu nebylo), ve druhem bylo i Veseli zavreno a pacienti posilani do Sobeslavi. Priste rovnou do nemocnice, toto nema smysl.
We came here twice, every Saturday. In both cases, for technical reasons, closed and a reference to the emergency room in Veselí or Tabor. In the first case we succeeded in Veseli (however, it was useless without an open pharmacy), in the second Veseli was also closed and patients were sent to Sobeslav. Get straight to the hospital, this doesn't make sense.
Yvetta Fialová on Google

Poliklinika zahrnuje mnoho ordinací: Obvodní, ORL, Ortopedii , Rtg, Internu, Diabetologii, Ultrazvuk, Gynekologii, Zubní, Rehabilitaci, Neurologii a LSPP. Je to stará budova, která prošla několika rekonstrukcemi. Mezi poliklinikou a lékárnou Petra Voda vede průjezd na parkoviště.
The polyclinic includes many surgeries: District, ENT, Orthopedics , X-ray, Internal, Diabetology, Ultrasound, Gynecology, Dental, Rehabilitation, Neurology and LSPP. It is an old building that has undergone several renovations. There is a passage to the parking lot between the polyclinic and the Petra Voda pharmacy.
Aknedz Zbín on Google

Přístup a chování pana "Mudr" Němejce (jak řekla moje dcera) řeznického psa. Proč dělají tyto směny když je člověk ruší od televize?!
The attitude and behavior of Mr. "Mudr" German (as my daughter said) butcher dog. Why do these shifts when you are disturbed by television ?!

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