Pošta Depo Vsetín 70 - Bobrky 2243

3/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact Pošta Depo Vsetín 70

Address :

Bobrky 2243, 755 01 Vsetín, Czechia

Postal code : 755
Categories :
City : Vsetín

Bobrky 2243, 755 01 Vsetín, Czechia
Radka Nikischerová on Google

Dobrý den. Po dlouhé době mám opět chuť, objednávat něco přes poštu a to díky Vašemu novému doručovateli,panu Kubečkovi Petrovi. Nevím, jestli pro Vás jezdí, zhruba půl roku, ale od té doby, jsem maximálně spokojená s Vaší službou a tímto Vašim zaměstnancem. Je příjemný, ochotný a a vstřícný.
Good day. After a long time, I feel like ordering something via mail again, thanks to your new delivery man, Mr. Kubeček Peter. I do not know if he has been traveling for you, for about half a year, but since then, I have been extremely satisfied with your service and this employee of yours. He is friendly, helpful and accommodating.
Monika Čermáková on Google

Hrozna sluzba!!!! Balik uz po pate ulozili na poste bez jedineho upozorneni,pritom maji uvedeny muj telefon a schranka je na panelaku zvenku.Takze na balik muzete cekat pekne dlouho,pokud si ho sami nedohledate.A to se pak dozvite,ze byla zasilka ulozena na poste NA ZADOST ADRESATA!:-( A kdyz si chcete stezovat,posta se od nich distancuje a pouze vam da telefonni cislo,ktere ale nikdo nezveda.
Hrozna sluzba !!!! The package has been stored in the post after Friday without a single notification, and they have my phone listed and the mailbox is on the outside. So you can wait a long time for the package if you can't find it yourself. REQUEST ADDRESSEE :-( And if you want to travel, the post office distances itself from them and only gives you a phone number, which no one can answer.

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