PP Lom Kační

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact PP Lom Kační

Address :

Unnamed Road,152 00, 152 00 Praha 5, Czechia

Categories :
City : Praha

Unnamed Road,152 00, 152 00 Praha 5, Czechia
Anna Ryznerova on Google

Hanka Praha on Google

Ideální s pejskama :)
Ideal with dogs :)
Ondřej Novák on Google

Výhled na sídliště Praha 13 a na Vidouli
View of the Prague 13 housing estate and Vidoula
Ota Macák on Google

Hezký lom :)
Hezký lom :)
Libor Mošovský on Google

Hezká procházka běžnou stezkou, jako panorama však betonová džungle
Nice walk through a common path, but as a panorama, however, concrete jungle
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Stěna opuštěného lomu odkrývá žílu vulkanické horniny basaltu, která pronikla do nezpevněných usazenin na dně prvohorního, silurského moře před asi 425 milióny let v souvislosti se vznikem podmořské sopky, rozkládající se v území mezi dnešními Butovicemi a Řeporyjemi. V období siluru se území dnešních Čech nacházelo jižně od rovníkového pásma v blízkosti velkého kontinentu Gondwany, tvořeného jádry dnešní Jižní Ameriky, Afriky, Antarktidy, Austrálie a Indie, zasahujícího až k jižnímu pólu. Godwana s územím dnešních Čech se postupně posunovala k rovníku, čímž docházelo k oteplování podnebí. Změlčením silurského moře v místech sopečné podmořské aktivity se vytvořily vhodné podmínky pro bohatý život nejrůznějších skupin mořských bezobratlých živočichů, zejména hlavonožců, mlžů, plžů, trilobitů a lilijic. The wall of the abandoned quarry reveals a vein of volcanic rock of basalt, which penetrated into unpaved deposits at the bottom of the Palaeolithic, Silurian seas about 425 million years ago in connection with the emergence of a submarine volcano in the territory between today's Butovice and Řeporyje. In the Silurian period, the territory of present-day Bohemia was located south of the equatorial zone near the great continent of Gondwana, formed by the nucleus of today's South America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia and India, extending to the South Pole. Godwana with the territory of today's Bohemia gradually shifted to the equator, which led to the warming of the climate. By shallowing of the Silurian Sea in the places of volcanic underwater activity, favorable conditions for the rich life of various species of marine invertebrate animals, especially cephalopods, bivalves, gastropods, trilobites and lilijas, have been created.
The wall of an abandoned quarry reveals the vein of volcanic basalt rock, which penetrated into unconsolidated sediments at the bottom of the Paleozoic, Silurian Sea about 425 million years ago in connection with the formation of an underwater volcano, located in the area between today's Butovice and Řeporyje. During the Silurian period, the territory of today's Bohemia was located south of the equatorial zone near the large continent of Gondwana, formed by the cores of today's South America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia and India, reaching as far as the South Pole. Godwana and the territory of today's Bohemia gradually moved towards the equator, which warmed the climate. The silencing of the Silurian Sea in places of volcanic submarine activity has created suitable conditions for the rich life of various groups of marine invertebrates, especially cephalopods, bivalves, snails, trilobites and lilies. The wall of the abandoned quarry reveals a vein of volcanic rock of basalt, which penetrated into unpaved deposits at the bottom of the Palaeolithic, Silurian seas about 425 million years ago in connection with the emergence of a submarine volcano in the territory between today's Butovice and Reporyje. In the Silurian period, the territory of present-day Bohemia was located south of the equatorial zone near the great continent of Gondwana, formed by the nucleus of today's South America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia and India, extending to the South Pole. Godwana with the territory of today's Bohemia gradually shifted to the equator, which led to the warming of the climate. By shallowing of the Silurian Sea in the places of volcanic underwater activity, favorable conditions for the rich life of various species of marine invertebrate animals, especially cephalopods, bivalves, gastropods, trilobites and lilijas, have been created.
Martin Safka on Google

Krásná otevřená lomová stěna. Poučná informační tabule. Škoda jen, že je Lom hodně zarostlý. Nejlépe je Lomová stěna vidět v zimě kdy opadané listí.
Beautiful open quarry wall. Informative information board. It's a pity that Lom is very overgrown. The quarry wall is best seen in winter when the leaves have fallen.
Premysl Neumanm on Google

Na rozhraní Jinonic a Butovic se nachází bývalý čedičový lom opuštěný již v dávných dobách později šlo o významnou lokalitu v množství nalezených zkamenělin byl zde také nalezena zkamenělina doté doby neznámého mlže který dostal jméno Butovicella podle místa nalezení
On the border of Jinonice and Butovice there is a former basalt quarry abandoned in ancient times, later it was an important locality in the number of found fossils, there was also found a fossil of that time unknown bivalve which was named Butovicella after the place of discovery.

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