Pravoslavná církevní obec v Rumburku

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Contact Pravoslavná církevní obec v Rumburku

Address :

Strážný vrch 88/35, Rumburk 1, 408 01 Rumburk, Czechia

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City : Rumburk

Strážný vrch 88/35, Rumburk 1, 408 01 Rumburk, Czechia
Petra Doudová on Google

Lucka Tatíčková on Google

Petr Michek on Google

Monika-Ilse Baltes on Google

Ein bisschen verwahrlost, aber der Weg hinauf lohnt sich
A bit neglected, but the way up is worth it
martina jánská on Google

Krásná procházka přímo ve městě.
Beautiful walk right in town.
Igor Efremushkin on Google

Pomodlil jsem se v klidu a krásné popovídali jsme s duchovním spravcem
I prayed calmly and we talked beautifully with the spiritual administrator
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Chrám stětí svatého Jana Křtitele v barokním slohu najdete spolu s křížovou cestou na Strážném vrchu - z Lužického náměsti je to přibližně kilometr chůze po modře značené trase. Dnešní chrám býval původně poutní kaplí. Její základní kámen byl položen v roce 1722 a byla dokončena roku 1725. V roce 1759 byla přestavěna a na 99 let pronajata církvi pravoslavné, nicméně v roce 1784 byla zrušena. V roce 1787 se majitelem stal rumburský výrobce plátna Fidelis Salomon, který objekt přestavěl na větrný mlýn, ten však byl později z ekonomických důvodů zrušen a na jeho místě vznikla hospoda. Roku 1845 získal areál spolek rumburských měšťanů, který přebudoval areál do podoby poutního místa. Do roku 1829 byla severně od bývalé kaple vybudována Křížová cesta s Kalvárií. The Church of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist in the Baroque style can be found along with the Stations of the Cross on Strážný vrch - it is approximately a kilometer walk from the square "Lužické náměsti" along the blue-marked route. Today's temple was originally a pilgrimage chapel. Its foundation stone was laid in 1722 and was completed in 1725. In 1759 it was rebuilt and leased to the Orthodox Church for 99 years, but in 1784 it was abolished. In 1787, the owner of the Rumburk canvas Fidelis Salomon became the owner of the object and converted it into a windmill, but it was later canceled for economic reasons and a pub was established in its place. In 1845 the complex was acquired by the Rumburk burghers' association, which rebuilt the complex into a pilgrimage site. The Stations of the Cross with Calvary was built north of the former chapel in 1829.
The Church of the Baptism of St. John the Baptist in the Baroque style can be found together with the Stations of the Cross on Strážné vrch - from Lužické náměstí it is about a kilometer walk along the blue marked route. Today's church used to be a pilgrimage chapel. Its foundation stone was laid in 1722 and was completed in 1725. In 1759 it was rebuilt and leased to the Orthodox Church for 99 years, but in 1784 it was abolished. In 1787, the owner became the Rumburk canvas manufacturer Fidelis Salomon, who rebuilt the building into a windmill, but it was later abolished for economic reasons and a pub was established in its place. In 1845, the complex was acquired by the Rumburk burghers' association, which rebuilt the complex into a place of pilgrimage. By 1829, the Stations of the Cross with Calvary was built north of the former chapel. The Church of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist in the Baroque style can be found along with the Stations of the Cross on Strážný vrch - it is approximately a kilometer walk from the square "Lužické náměsti" along the blue-marked route. Today's temple was originally a pilgrimage chapel. Its foundation stone was laid in 1722 and was completed in 1725. In 1759 it was rebuilt and leased to the Orthodox Church for 99 years, but in 1784 it was abolished. In 1787, the owner of the Rumburk canvas Fidelis Salomon became the owner of the object and converted it into a windmill, but it was later canceled for economic reasons and a pub was established in its place. In 1845 the complex was acquired by the Rumburk burghers' association, which rebuilt the complex into a pilgrimage site. The Stations of the Cross with Calvary was built north of the former chapel in 1829.
Igor Marković on Google

Ortodox church near Germany border.

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