Přírodní park Jistebnická vrchovina

4.7/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Přírodní park Jistebnická vrchovina

Address :

391 33 Jistebnice, Czechia

Categories :
City : Jistebnice

391 33 Jistebnice, Czechia
Vítek Kudweis on Google

Kateřina Havlíčková on Google

Bezkarska stopa
Footless foot
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Na Čechách je úžasné, že tu najdete spousty krajinných typů. Někdy to s trochou nadsázky vypadá jako "Boží katalog", ve kterém stvořitel v dobré náladě zalistoval a s jistým zadostiučiněním realizoval své plány. A musel mít asi rád Bohémii, protože se často hodně rozmáchnul. Jedna z takových oblastí je i Jistebnická vrchovina. Kromě velkých řek tu najdete takřka všechno - rozličné krajinné typy, kdy stačí ujít pár kilometrů a terén vypadá zase jinak - je to zážitek absolvovat tu celodenní (a vzhledem ke slušné rozloze i vícedenní) pěší tůru. Třešínkou na dortu je skutečnost, že ještě nejde o turisticky "profláknutá" místa. Na konci podzimu jsem potkával místní jen tu a tam v roztroušených vesnicích, kterými jsem občas procházel. Úžasný relax. The amazing thing about Czech is that you can find a lot of landscape types. Sometimes, with a bit of exaggeration, it looks like "God's catalogue", which the Creator has browsed in a good mood and with some satisfaction has realised his plans. And he must have liked Bohemia, because he was very generous. One of such an areas is the Jistebnická vrchovina highlands. Apart from the big rivers, you can find almost everything here - different landscape types, where you only have to walk a few kilometres and the terrain looks different again - it is an experience to go on day (and due to the size of the area, multi-day) hikes. The icing on the cake is the fact that these areas are not yet famous tourist destinations. At the end of autumn, I used to meet locals only in the scattered villages I passed through here and there. Amazing relaxation.
It is amazing in the Czech Republic that you will find many landscape types here. Sometimes, with a bit of exaggeration, it looks like a "God's catalog," in which the creator leafed through in a good mood and realized his plans with some satisfaction. And he must have liked Bohemia, because he often swung a lot. One of such areas is the Jistebnice Highlands. Apart from large rivers, you will find almost everything here - various landscape types, where you only have to walk a few kilometers and the terrain looks different again - it is an experience to go on a full-day (and due to the decent area even a multi-day) hike. The icing on the cake is the fact that these are not yet "touristy" places. At the end of the autumn, I met the locals only here and there in the scattered villages that I occasionally walked through. Amazing relaxation. The amazing thing about Czech is that you can find a lot of landscape types. Sometimes, with a bit of exaggeration, it looks like "God's catalog", which the Creator has browsed in a good mood and with some satisfaction has realized his plans. And he must have liked Bohemia, because he was very generous. One of such an areas is the Jistebnická vrchovina highlands. Apart from the big rivers, you can find almost everything here - different landscape types, where you only have to walk a few kilometers and the terrain looks different again - it is an experience to go on day (and due to the size of the area , multi-day) hikes. The icing on the cake is the fact that these areas are not yet famous tourist destinations. At the end of autumn, I used to meet locals only in the scattered villages I passed through here and there. Amazing relaxation.

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