Prodejna Smíšeného Zboží - Chelčice 5

4.8/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Prodejna Smíšeného Zboží

Address :

Chelčice 5, 389 01 Chelčice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +888
Postal code : 389
Categories :
City : Chelčice

Chelčice 5, 389 01 Chelčice, Czechia
Tomáš Kellner on Google

Jitka Slamova on Google

Šárka Štěchovic on Google

Karoly Torok on Google

Иван Онуфрий on Google

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Nalim Kirakep on Google

Ja ho nemiluji ale kdyz jsem tam tak ho vzdy navstivim a nakoupim.Kramek ma ,,skoro,,vsechno a i kdyz majitel nebo provozovatel je Vietnamec je mi milejsi nez nase prodavacky ktere se tvari jak bohyne zla!!!Preju ji vsechno nej... v tom dobrem!!! Nal
I don't love him, but when I'm there I always visit him and buy him. Krramek has "almost" everything, even if the owner or operator is Vietnamese, I like her more than our saleswomen who look like the goddess of evil !!! in that good !!! Nal

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