Profi-Roll s.r.o. - Olivova 224/108

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Vrata,brány,ploty,pohony,ovládání,Profi-Roll -

Dodáme Vám brány, garážová vrata a jejich pohony, zastíníme Váš objekt nebo zahradu, otevřeme Vám cestu k pohodlí.

About Profi-Roll s.r.o.

Adresa prodejny a provozovny

Olivova 224/108
251 01 Říčany
Zobrazit na mape
Bílá budova vedle léčebny hned u lesa
(směr Mukařov na konci Říčan doprava, po 50m jste u nás)
GPS: 49°59’26"N, 14°41’27"E

Contact Profi-Roll s.r.o.

Address :

Olivova 224/108, 251 01 Říčany, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
Postal code : 251
Website :
Categories :
City : Říčany

Olivova 224/108, 251 01 Říčany, Czechia
Libor Syrovy on Google

Petr Přikryl on Google

Vážně spokojen ?
Seriously satisfied ?
Stanislav Frnka on Google

Moja skúsenosť bola katastrofálna! V skratke 13.11.2018 som zaplatil zálohu 3/4 s celkovej ceny. Po mesiaci som volal kedy bude montáž keďže v zmluve bolo zahrnute do 5 mesiacoch bude dielo hotové. Odpoveď ma trosku zaskočila. " Tento rok to už nestihneme" Tak dobre, po novom roku sa informujem teda kedy bude montáž. Ta sa posúvala slovami "Buduci týždeň vam to prídeme namontovať už" a skončilo to tak ze niekedy v polovici 3.mesiaca 2019 mi volal majiteľ ze nemaju kapacitu na montáž. Takže musit vrátiť zalohu. Jediná pozitívna vec bola tá že záloha bola vrátená. Tak by som to zhrnul že táto firma je všetko len nie Profi ako prezentuje v svojom názve.
My experience was disastrous! In short 13.11.2018 I paid a deposit of 3/4 with the total price. After a month I called when the assembly will be in the contract was included within 5 months will be finished. The answer surprised me a little. "This year, it already miss" Well, after the new year, I will be informed when the assembly will be. It was moved by the words "We will come to you to install it already next week" and it ended up so sometimes in the middle of the 3rd month of 2019 called the owner of not have the capacity to install. So you must return the deposit. The only positive thing was that the deposit was returned. So I would sum up that this company is all just not Profi as it presents in its title.
Gheorghe Nicolau on Google

Pan Zelinka se u nas byl podivat(v Osnicich u Jesenic), domluvili jsme se, ze do par dnu nam posle nabidku a domluvime se na dalsim postupu. Bohuzel uz se nozval, na SMS neodpovida, mobil nezveda, po trech tydnech jsem vzdal pokusy se s nim spojit. Extreme neprofesionalni pristup Update po odpovedi Profi-roll s.r.o.: Bohuzel skutecnost je presne takova jak ji popjsuji. Cela vec se stala davno pred vanocema, takze vumluvu na vanocni volno nemuzu uznat. Mate pravdu, ze jsem vas kontaktoval ohledne vrat a pak se to rozsirilo i na realizaci oploceni, vsak kdyz jsem se zeptal zda delate i ploty odpoved pana Zelinky znela jednoznacne - ano, delame taky. Takze tuhle vumluvu taky neuznavam. Pan Zelinka mohl rovnou rict, ze tenhle objekt je mimo vasi portfolio, proc tak neucinil - netusim. Jak jsem jiz psal, nez jsme se rozloucili pan Zelinka nam slibil cenovou nabidku, kterou jsem neobdrzel, ani s panem Zelinkou se mi nepodarilo spojit, ani pres SMS ani telefonicky, a to podetykam - mimo vanocni dobu, davno pred svatkama. Kdyby mi bylo sdeleno, ze tahle zakazka pro vas z jakychkoliv duvodu neni zajimava - nereknu ani slovo, vy jste se na mne vsak vykaslali a proto to moje hodnoceni povazuji za zcela odpovidajici.
Mr. Zelinka had a look at us (in Osnice near Jesenice), we agreed to send us an offer in a few days and we will agree on further steps. Unfortunately, he was barking, he does not answer the SMS, the phone does not answer, after three weeks I gave up trying to contact him. Extreme non-professional approach Update after answer Profi-roll s.r.o .: Unfortunately, the fact is exactly as I describe it. The whole thing happened long before Christmas, so I can not accept the excuse for Christmas holiday. You are right that I contacted you about the gate and then it spread to the implementation of the fence, but when I asked whether the fence and the answer Mr. Zelinka sound clearly - yes, I do too. So I don't recognize this covenant either. Mr. Zelinka could say that this object is out of your portfolio, why he did not - I do not know. As I wrote before we said goodbye to Mr. Zelinka promised us a price offer, which I did not receive, nor with Mr. Zelinka I could not contact, either by SMS or by phone, and podetykam - out of Christmas time, long before the holidays. If I was told that this contract is not of interest to you for any reason - I will not say a word, however, you gave up on me and therefore my evaluation is considered to be completely adequate.
Michal Kolingr on Google

Velice neprofesionalni pristup p.Zelenky, terminy nedodrzuje, dalo by se rict,ze nemluvi pravdu, pry hotovo,za par dni privezeme, za par dni vola, ze pry az za tyden, je to v lakovne. Branu,kterou privezli, neodpovidala zadani,misto rozdeleni na 1/3 a 2/3 privezli branu delenou napul, dle smlouvy meli dilo dodat 3tydny po zalaceni zalohy, zacatek brezna, na zacatku kvetna neni hotovo. Amateri
Mr. Zelenka's very unprofessional approach does not meet the deadlines, you could say that he is not telling the truth, he is done, we will bring in a few days, he will call in a few days, that he will be in the paint shop in a few days. The gate they brought did not match the assignment, instead of divided into 1/3 and 2/3 they brought the gate divided in half, according to the contract they had to deliver the work 3 weeks after the deposit, the beginning of March, at the beginning of May it is not done. Amateurs
Ondřej Salavec on Google

Profesionální přístup pana Zelinky i v této nelehké době byl na 1 s hvězdičkou. Montážní parta velice vstřícná a udělat práci nad rámec své montáže nebyl problém. Hlavně jsme neslyšely slova “ jó, lepší vám to nikdo neudělá… líp to bohužel nešlo”
Mr. Zelinka's professional approach even at this difficult time was 1 with an asterisk. The assembly team was very accommodating and doing work beyond their assembly was not a problem. Most of all, we didn't hear the words "yeah, no one will make you better - unfortunately it didn't work out better"

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