Psí hřbitov

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City : Praha

182 00 Praha 8, Czechia
Jaroslav Bukovský on Google

Dalik on Google

Lukas Soldat on Google

Krásně udelany hřbitov domácích mazlicku,někdy jsou pomníky hezčí než na lidském hřbitově. Lidi jsou pro zvířata schopni udělat hrozně moc.
Beautifully made cemetery of pets, sometimes the monuments are nicer than the human cemetery. People can do a great deal for the animals.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Velmi unikátní hřbitov o rozloze 5 600 metrů čtverečních byl založen Pavlem Lukášem v roce 1998 pod názvem "Zahrada přátel nejvěrnějších" a domácí zvířata se tu pohřbívala až do 1. ledna 2007. V té době byla kapacita malého hřbitova vyčerpána (původně Lukáš počítal s trojnásobnou plochou) a další pohřbívání zastavily nevyřešené problémy s pozemky a neplnění hygienických požadavků. Je tu pohřbeno kolem dvou tisíc nejrůznějších zvířat a roste zde přes 2 000 stromů ve stovkách druhů. Zvířecí pietní park se proto stal vyhledávaným i jako botanická atrakce pro školní výpravy. Na hřbitově odpočívají i zvířecí mazlíčci známých osobností. Leží tu například pes bývalého prezidenta Václava Havla nebo psi hned dvanácti velvyslanců. Kromě typických domácích zvířat zde ale nalezneme třeba i hrobeček kudlanky nábožné nebo potkana. Od roku 2007 se o hřbitov stará Občanské sdružení pietního parku Draháň. A very unique cemetery with an area of ​​5,600 square meters was founded by Pavel Lukáš in 1998 under the name "Garden of the Most Faithful Friends" and domestic animals were buried here until January 1, 2007. At that time the capacity of the small cemetery was exhausted (originally Lukáš counted on a triple area) and further burials were stopped due to unresolved land problems and non-compliance with hygiene requirements. About two thousand different animals are buried here and over 2,000 trees in hundreds of species grow here. The animal reverence park has therefore become popular as a botanical attraction for school trips. Pet animals of famous personalities also rest in the cemetery. For example, there is a dog of former President Václav Havel or dogs of twelve ambassadors. In addition to typical domestic animals, we can also find the tomb of a praying mantis or a rat here. Since 2007, the cemetery has been taken care of by the Civic Association of the Draháň Memorial Park.
A very unique cemetery with an area of ​​5,600 square meters was founded by Pavel Lukáš in 1998 under the name "Garden of Friends of the Most Faithful" and domestic animals were buried here until January 1, 2007. At that time, the capacity of the small cemetery was exhausted. area) and further burials stopped unresolved land problems and non-compliance with hygiene requirements. About two thousand different animals are buried here and over 2,000 trees in hundreds of species grow here. The animal reverence park has therefore become popular as a botanical attraction for school trips. Pet animals of famous personalities also rest in the cemetery. For example, there is a dog of former President Václav Havel or dogs of twelve ambassadors. In addition to typical domestic animals, we can also find the tomb of a praying mantis or a rat. Since 2007, the cemetery has been taken care of by the Civic Association of the Draháň Memorial Park. A very unique cemetery with an area of ​​5,600 square meters was founded by Pavel Lukáš in 1998 under the name "Garden of the Most Faithful Friends" and domestic animals were buried here until January 1, 2007. At that time the capacity of the small cemetery was exhausted (originally Lukáš counted on a triple area) and further burials were stopped due to unresolved land problems and non-compliance with hygiene requirements. About two thousand different animals are buried here and over 2,000 trees in hundreds of species grow here. The animal reverence park has therefore become popular as a botanical attraction for school trips. Pet animals of famous personalities also rest in the cemetery. For example, there is a dog of former President Václav Havel or dogs of twelve ambassadors. In addition to typical domestic animals, we can also find the tomb of a praying mantis or a rat here. Since 2007, the cemetery has been taken care of by the Civic Association of the Draháň Memorial Park.
Marcela bartáková on Google

Vchod do zvířecího hřbitova najdeme hned naproti Ústavnímu hřbitovu chovanců Ústavu pro choromyslné v Praze 8-Bohnice. Tento nevšední hřbitov byl založen v roce 1998 pod názvem Zahrada přátel nejvěrnějších.Domácí mazlíčci se tady pohřbívali až do konce roku 2006. V té době byla kapacita malého hřbitova vyčerpána a další pohřbívání zastavily nevyřešené problémy s pozemkem. Ze hřbitova se stal pietní park. Od roku 2007 se o hřbitov stará Občanské sdružení pietního parku Draháň. Na hřbitově o rozloze více než půl hektaru je více než 2000 hrobečků. V prostřední části hřbitůvku je hromadný hrob pro laboratorní pokusná zvířata a pro zvířata, která neprožila šťastný život. My zde máme také pejska (náhrobek s kníračem) od roku 2004. Při každém pohřbu si lidé mohli vybrat strom nebo keř, který se k hrobečku zasadil. Bohužel loňské sucho zde zanechalo paseku, protože spousta, především jehličnatých stromů uschlo.
The entrance to the animal cemetery can be found just opposite the Constitutional Cemetery of the Inmates of the Institute for the Insane in Prague 8-Bohnice. This unusual cemetery was founded in 1998 under the name Garden of the Most Loyal Friends. The pets were buried here until the end of 2006. At that time, the capacity of the small cemetery was exhausted and further burials stopped unresolved land problems. The cemetery became a reverent park. Since 2007, the cemetery has been cared for by the Draháň Civic Association. More than 2,000 tombs are in the cemetery of more than half a hectare. In the middle of the graveyard there is a mass grave for laboratory experimental animals and for animals that have not experienced a happy life. We also have a dog here (a gravestone with a schnauzer) since 2004. At each funeral, people could choose a tree or shrub that planted to the tomb. Unfortunately, last year's drought left a clearing, because many, especially coniferous trees, withered.
Robert Fárik on Google

pekne urobene pietne miesto pre nasich vernych zvieracich spolocnikov... clovek sa citi zvlastne v parku, resp. na cintorine kde je pochovanych tolko spolocnikov cloveka...
nicely done reverent place for our faithful animal companions ... man is feeling special in the park, respectively. in the cemetery where so many fellow human beings are buried ...

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