Radnice - Městský Úřad

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Contact Radnice - Městský Úřad

Address :

nám. Kašpara Šternberka 363, 338 28 Radnice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7789
Website : http://www.mestoradnice.cz/
Categories :
City : Radnice

nám. Kašpara Šternberka 363, 338 28 Radnice, Czechia
Květoslava Skrbková on Google

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První písemná zmínka o obci pochází z roku 1336. Roku 1570 povýšil Maxmilián II. na přímluvu Jana Černína z Chudenic městečko na město. Český název Radnice používán od roku 1854. Původně bylo sídlo součástí panství Zbiroh, vlastníky byli Rožmberkové do roku 1431. Roku 1654 se stává součástí Plzeňského kraje, v roce 1850 součástí okresu Rokycany. Město leží v nadmořské výšce 382 metrů v krásné přírodě Plaské pahorkatiny. Žije tu přibližně 1 800 obyvatel. The first written mention of the village dates from 1336. In 1570, Maximilian II. (at the intercession of Jan Černín from Chudenice) promoted a small town to a town. The Czech name Radnice has been used since 1854. Originally the town was part of the Zbiroh estate, the owners were the Rožmberks until 1431. In 1654 it became part of the Pilsen region, in 1850 part of the Rokycany district. The town lies at an altitude of 382 meters in the beautiful countryside of the Plasy hilly area. Approximately 1,800 inhabitants live here today.
The first written mention of the village dates from 1336. In 1570, Maximilian II promoted. at the intercession of Jan Černín from Chudenice, a small town to a town. The Czech name Radnice has been used since 1854. Originally the seat was part of the Zbiroh estate, the owners were the Rožmberks until 1431. In 1654 it became part of the Pilsen region, in 1850 part of the Rokycany district. The town lies at an altitude of 382 meters in the beautiful countryside of the Plaská hills. Approximately 1,800 inhabitants live here. The first written mention of the village dates from 1336. In 1570, Maximilian II. (at the intercession of Jan Černín from Chudenice) promoted a small town to a town. The Czech name Radnice has been used since 1854. Originally the town was part of the Zbiroh estate, the owners were the Rožmberks until 1431. In 1654 it became part of the Pilsen region, in 1850 part of the Rokycany district. The town lies at an altitude of 382 meters in the beautiful countryside of the Plasy hilly area. Approximately 1,800 inhabitants live here today.
Jan on Google

Am westlich Ende des zentralen Platzes findet sich das Rathaus (radnice). Darin untergebracht sind heutzutage die Büros der Stadtverwaltung (Městský Úřad) und die örtliche Filiale der Sparkasse (Česká spořitelna).
At the western end of the central square is the town hall (radnice). The offices of the Municipal Administration (Městský Úřad) and the local branch of the Sparkasse (Česká spořitelna) are now housed there.

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