RE-MAX Search, Na Bělidle 31, Praha 5

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact RE/MAX Search, Na Bělidle 31, Praha 5

Address :

Na Bělidle 309/31, 150 00 Praha 5-Smíchov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha 5 Smíchov

Na Bělidle 309/31, 150 00 Praha 5-Smíchov, Czechia
Martin Vlček on Google

Petr Chmatil on Google

Michal Lanc on Google

Frantisek Polasek on Google

H K on Google

Byla jsem velmi spokojena, naprosto profesionální přístup. Velmi ochotný a milý personál. Vše proběhlo hladce a rychle. Tuto pobočku moho jen doporučit.
I was very satisfied, completely professional approach. Very helpful and nice staff. Everything went smoothly and quickly. I can only recommend this branch.
Marie Jelinkova on Google

Slušnost, korektnost, komunikativnost, flexibilita (pružná spolupráce s druhou smluvní stranou a AK) - plná spokojenost, jež jistě přispěla k našemu rozhodnutí o koupi nabízené nemovitosti.
Decency, correctness, communicativeness, flexibility (flexible cooperation with the other party and AK) - full satisfaction, which certainly contributed to our decision to purchase the property offered.
Tomas Dongres on Google

S panem Schumou spolupracuji od r.2006 asi po desáté a vždy kontaktuji jen jeho. Je velice profesionální, má příjemné vystupování a vše řeší rychle a korektně. Mohu jen doporučit.
I have been cooperating with Mr. Schuma for about ten o'clock since 2006 and I always contact only him. He is very professional, has a pleasant demeanor and solves everything quickly and correctly. I can only recommend.
Kateryna M on Google

It was a pleasure to work with Jan Fleischner. During our cooperation he showed up as a professional in what he does. He is always responsive, helpful and very friendly person. I could fully rely on Jan during the deal and I’d highly recommend him to work with. As for the company - Remax is well known in the market and it gives more confidence when making a deal due to the great reputation. I’d definitely choose Remax again

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