Red Újezd ​​- Municipal Office - Červený Újezd 26

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Red Újezd ​​- Municipal Office

Address :

Červený Újezd 26, 273 51 Červený Újezd, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +988
Postal code : 273
Website :
Categories :
City : Červený Újezd

Červený Újezd 26, 273 51 Červený Újezd, Czechia
Superman 007 on Google

Jan Hotzel on Google

Sokolovna extra pohoda
Sokolovna extra pohoda
Zdenda je frajer nebo? on Google

Je to kousek u mého domu ráda tam chodím na vychaázky a pro noviny
It's not far from my house, I like to go there for walks and newspapers
Vladimir Pecha on Google

První písemná zmínka o obci pochází z roku 1318 a je spojena s jakýmsi Dluhovojem z Újezdce. Újezdy vznikaly za kolonizace, kdy bylo území vyměřeno komisí objetím koňmo. Od 16. století ves Újezdec spolu s okolními pustými vesnicemi patřila rodu Žďárských ze Žďáru. Název obce je patrně odvozen od červeného zbarvení zdejší železité půdy, nedaleko odtud se ve středověku a v 19. století těžila železná ruda. Kronika obce je vedena od roku 1927 a dnes tu žije kolem tisíce obyvatel. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1318 and is associated with Dluhovoj of Újezdec. Those kind of places, called "újezd" arose during colonization, when the territory was assessed by a committee embracing horse. From the 16th century the village of Újezdec and the surrounding deserted villages belonged to the Žďárský family of Žďár. The name of the village is probably derived from the red color of the local ferric soil, not far from here iron ore was mined in the Middle Ages and in the 19th century. The chronicle of the village has been kept since 1927 and today there live around a thousand inhabitants here.
The first written mention of the village dates back to 1318 and is associated with a kind of Dluhovoj of Újezdec. Újezdy arose during colonization, when the territory was measured by a committee embracing horse. From the 16th century the village of Újezdec and the surrounding deserted villages belonged to the Žďár family of Žďár. The name of the village is probably derived from the red color of the local ferric soil, not far from here in the Middle Ages and 19th century iron ore was mined. The chronicle of the village has been kept since 1927 and today there live around a thousand inhabitants. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1318 and is associated with Dluhovoj of Újezdec. Those kind of places, called "Újezd" arose during colonization, when the territory was assessed by a committee embracing horse. From the 16th century the village of Újezdec and the surrounding deserted villages belonging to the Žďár family of Žďár. The name of the village is probably derived from the red color of the local ferric soil, not far from here iron ore was mined in the Middle Ages and the 19th century. Chronicle of the village has been kept since 1927 and today live around a thousand inhabitants here.
Josef Dendis on Google

Profesionální pomoc. Vždy poradí, pomůžou. Ať telefonicky, nebo osobně.
Professional help. They always advise, they help. Whether by phone or in person.
Michal Ptáček on Google

Rychlost, ochota, vždy poradí, není s ničím problém. Nebudete zklamáni.
Speed, willingness, always advice, no problem. You will not be disappointed.
Lubos Srbek on Google

Je vidět, že obec dělá maximum pro další rozvoj.
It can be seen that the municipality is doing its utmost for further development.
Ivana Foulonneau on Google

Vždy velmi ochotně poradí, pomůžou, informace předávají všemi možnými způsoby, aby se dostaly ke každému (tištěný zpravodaj do schránky, aplikace moje obec s čerstvými aktuality), výborný přehled o všem:) Jsem moc spokojená, že tady žiju.
They are always very willing to advise, help, pass on information in all possible ways to reach everyone (printed newsletter in the mailbox, my community application with fresh news), excellent overview of everything :) I am very happy to live here.

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