Restaurace U Brejchů - V. Hálka 227

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Restaurace U Brejchů

Address :

V. Hálka 227, 271 01 Nové Strašecí, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 271
Categories :
City : Nové Strašecí

V. Hálka 227, 271 01 Nové Strašecí, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Příjemné posezení na úzké předzahrádce s milou obsluhou a dobrým pivem. Vrcholem mých kulinářských schopností je omeleta, ale tady jsem si vyslechl zajímavé povídání o vaření, paní výčepní je evidentně velká přebornice! Bohužel ten den se nevařilo, když jsem poslouchal to povídání, sbíhaly se mi sliny... :) Pleasant sitting in a narrow front garden with friendly staff and okay beer. The pinnacle of my culinary skills is an omelette, but here I heard an interesting talk about cooking. The barmaid is obviously a great champion! Unfortunately, they didn't cook that day, when I listened to the conversation, I wasn´t hungry, but the taste to have something good was persistent...
Pleasant sitting in a narrow front garden with friendly staff and good beer. The pinnacle of my culinary skills is an omelette, but here I heard an interesting talk about cooking, Mrs. tap is obviously a great champion! Unfortunately, it didn't cook that day, when I listened to the conversation, my saliva converged ... :) Pleasant sitting in a narrow front garden with friendly staff and okay beer. The pinnacle of my culinary skills is an omelette, but here I heard an interesting talk about cooking. The barmaid is obviously a great champion! Unfortunately, they didn't cook that day, when I listened to the conversation, I wasn´t hungry, but the taste to have something good was persistent ...
Tomáš Blahník on Google

Takový klasický vesnický hostinec, ve kterém si dáte pivo a klobásu. Do takové hodspody patří i příjemná servírka a ani ta tady nechyběla. Nostalgické prostředí 90-tých let (každý talířek jiný, hrnek na kafe s nápisem Michal...:-)). Ale já to mám takhle rád ?. Hlavně pivo dobré, hermelín a utopenec taky.
Such a classic village inn, where you can have beer and sausage. A pleasant waitress also belongs to such a group, and she was not missing here either. Nostalgic environment of the 90s (each saucer different, coffee mug with the inscription Michal ... :-)). But I like it that way ?. Mainly good beer, camembert and drowned too.
Petra Elgrova on Google

Super hospudka ?
Aleš Houdek on Google

Tomáš V. on Google

Petr Libovický on Google

zdenka vostarkova on Google

Radim Rybacek on Google

Beer with locals, good Czech beer. Only that and nothing more.

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