Retro-Trampská Hospoda

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Retro-Trampská Hospoda

Address :

25, Francova Lhota 25, 756 12 Francova Lhota, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +787
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Categories :
City : Francova Lhota

25, Francova Lhota 25, 756 12 Francova Lhota, Czechia
Tráva a Kašel on Google

Docela útulná knajpa, která přijde vhod hlavně v zimě, když si promrzlý člověk chce dát něco na zahřátí, třeba po výletu na nedaleké ledopády. Člověk nesmí mít příliš vysoké očekávání od gastronomické úrovně.
Quite a cozy pub, which comes in handy especially in winter, when a frozen person wants to have something to warm up, for example after a trip to the nearby ice falls. One must not have too high expectations from the gastronomic level.
Vladimír Kavan on Google

Pohodová hospoda.Dobré jídlo,dobré pivo,ceny lidové,ochotný personál.Na Pulčiny jezdím téměř 50 let,tak vím o čem mluvím.Vždy se zde rád vracím.Jack.
Relaxing pub. Good food, good beer, popular prices, helpful staff. I've been going to Pulčina for almost 50 years, so I know what I'm talking about. I'm always happy to come back here. Jack.
Soňa on Google

Hodně retro hospoda, ale byla by hezká, pokud by se o ni někdo staral. Hodně špíny, stoly ulepené, obsluha za celou dobu, co jsme tam byli (a vystřídalo se tam hodně lidí) ani jednou neutřela žádný stůl. Dali jsme si pivo, bohužel hodně hnusný Hrádek, kyselici, která se dala sníst, ale jen brambor a trocha zelí, jinak ani žádná uzenina a zachránil to guláš. Sice dost slaný, ale jinak dobrý, za něj ty dvě hvězdy, jinak velká škoda. Z jídelního listku jsme měli problém si vybrat, ale to je asi náš problém, ale čočka, zelí, klobása....Hospoda na pěkném místě, davy turistů. Majitel by měl trochu zainvestovat, mohla by být z toho příjemná hospůdka.
A lot of retro pub, but it would be nice if someone took care of it. Lots of dirt, tables glued, staff the whole time we were there (and a lot of people took turns there) never once wiped any table. We had a beer, unfortunately a very disgusting Hrádek, sourdough that could be eaten, but only potatoes and a little cabbage, otherwise no sausages and the goulash saved it. Pretty salty, but otherwise good, the two stars for him, otherwise a pity. We had a problem to choose from the menu, but that's probably our problem, but lentils, cabbage, sausage .... Pub in a nice place, crowds of tourists. The owner should invest a little, it could be a nice pub.
Le Comte Forgách de Ghýmesh on Google

Sacré bleu! Segedínský guláš pana majitele předčil veškerá očekávání mé osoby! To jest, že segedínský guláš nesnáším již od dětství. Velké tvrdé kusy tuhého nakyslého zelí ve vodnatém guláši. Avšak pan majitel jej nechává vařit přesně naopak! Malé měkké kousky zelí fúzované s hustým gulášem. Neuvěřitelný zážitek mým vlastním chutím! ?? Ostatní ceny za jídlo má taktéž více než přívětivé: 105 korun za hotové pokrmy. ?? Porce podává tak velké, až se nedaly skoro sníst. ??
Blue blue! The owner's Szeged goulash exceeded all expectations of my person! That is, I have hated Szeged goulash since childhood. Large hard pieces of hard sauerkraut in watery goulash. However, the owner lets it cook exactly the opposite! Small soft pieces of cabbage fused with thick goulash. An incredible experience of my own tastes! ?? Other prices for food is also more than friendly: 105 crowns for ready meals. ?? Servings are so large that they could hardly be eaten. ??
Karolinka Galatova on Google

Josef Kříž on Google

Marek Bělota on Google

Zlata GERGELOVA on Google

I give one star for the historical artefacts and the second for the friendly owner at the draft. BUT the short dark haired waitress was a complete disaster. We asked her to close the door leading outside because the draft was cold. She replied she won't do it of course because she needs to be passing to the terrace. Then she brought only three meals out of 4 and I was waiting till my family had almost finished their meal. Then the meal came and she made a mistake in the order and instead of simple American potatoes I got it with fried cheese. When I told her she made a mistake she didn't even apologize. Food was not homemade but mainly just pre-made frozen and then fried stuff. The beer Hrádek was only 12° with too little bubbles. If you are a woman you have to go to the bar ask for a key but if you are a man the toilets stay open. The toilets are terribly dirty on the walls and on the floor. When you want to pay you need to go to the bar because the waitress never comes. When you leave the premises you smell as used frying oil because their kitchen aircon does not work properly. The was no Wi-Fi. I would recommend coming here to see the decoration and get one beer but for food just go elsewhere.

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