Římskokatolická farnost Žďár nad Sázavou-I - Žďár nad Sázavou 1

4.5/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact Římskokatolická farnost Žďár nad Sázavou-I

Address :

Tvrz 1, Žďár nad Sázavou 1, 591 01 Žďár nad Sázavou, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +79898
Postal code : 591
Categories :
City : Žďár nad Sázavou

Tvrz 1, Žďár nad Sázavou 1, 591 01 Žďár nad Sázavou, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Jednopatrová barokní budova fary stojí v těsném sousedství farního kostela svatého Prokopa. Bohužel se mi nepodařilo zjistit více detailů ohledně její historie. Pouze deska na fasádě vedle vstupních dveří stroze oznamuje, že fara byla v minulosti umístěna v některé ze sousedních budov (vystavěné v roce 1781), nic bližšího se tu nedozvíme. Na webových stránkách farnosti je to stejné, ale najdete tu zajímavé informace o historii kostela sv. Prokopa, kapli svaté Barbory, o hřbitovním kostelu Nejsvětější Trojice, ale i o městě samotném. The two-story Baroque parish building is located next to the parish church of St. Prokop. Unfortunately, I could not find out more details about its history. Only the plaque on the façade next to the entrance door tells us curtly that in the past the vicarage was located in one of the neighboring buildings (built in 1781). On the parish website it is the same, but you will find interesting information about the history of the church of St. Prokop, the Chapel of St. Barbara, about the cemetery church of the Holy Trinity, but also about the city itself.
The two-storey Baroque parish building is located next to the parish church of St. Prokop. Unfortunately, I couldn't find out more details about its history. Only the plaque on the façade next to the entrance door curtly announces that the vicarage was located in one of the neighboring buildings (built in 1781) in the past; On the parish website it is the same, but you will find interesting information about the history of the church. Prokop, the Chapel of St. Barbara, about the cemetery church of the Holy Trinity, but also about the city itself. The two-story Baroque Parish Building is located next to the Parish Church of St. Petersburg. Prokop. Unfortunately, I could not find out more about its history. Only the plaque on the façade next to the entrance door tells us curtly that in the past the vicarage was located in one of the neighboring buildings (built in 1781). On the parish website it is the same, but you will find interesting information about the history of the church of St. The Chapel of St. Prokop Barbara, about the church of Holy Trinity, but also about the city itself.
Jiří Skalský on Google

Vzpomínám na tradiční každoroční zahradní farní slavnosti. Přidávám několik fotografií z léta roku 2006.
I remember the traditional annual garden parish festival. I am adding some photos from the summer of 2006.

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