Rosso Steel, Inc. - Gustavka 611

3.2/5 based on 5 reviews

Contact Rosso Steel, Inc.

Address :

Gustavka 611, 338 43 Mirošov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
Postal code : 338
Website :
Categories :
City : Mirošov

Gustavka 611, 338 43 Mirošov, Czechia
pink rejam on Google

Marcin Lajer on Google

Bardzo szybki rozładunek. Mili ludzie. Brak parkingu przed firmą, więc na noc raczej nie ma gdzie stanąć.
Very fast unloading. Kind people. There is no parking in front of the company, so there is probably nowhere to stand at night.
Олег Колесников on Google

Чекав на розвантаження 2 години, погана організація
Waited for unloading 2 hours, bad organization
Martin Redlich on Google

Zdravím. Ono to není vždy tak jednoduché. v prvním případě musíme zajistit chod mašin, a až pak skládat kamiony. Vím že to je na hlavu, kvůli 5min. čekat tak dlouho, ale my tu musíme nejdříve připravit svitky na mašiny, a to se může protáhnout. protože nekteré jsou v jiném skladě a musí se sem nejdříve dovést. a to se vetšinou děje po svačině.
Hello. It's not always that simple. in the first case, we must ensure the operation of the machines, and only then assemble the trucks. I know it's on my head, because of 5min. wait so long, but we must first prepare the scrolls for the machines, and that can take a long time. because some are in another warehouse and must be brought here first. and this usually happens after a snack.
Petr Šhooll on Google

Firma celkom fajn, no nestretol som sa ešte s prestávkou v čase od 10:40 - 11:40. Je to celkom zaujímavý čas. Vzhľadom na rýchlosť vykládky (cca 5min.) 1 závitku si myslím že pracovník mohol daný zvitok vyložiť ešte pred prestavkou a nemuseli sme čakať celú hodinu keďže sme mali ďalšiu nakladku. Zamestnanec počas vykladania, bol milý zbytočne nenaťahoval čas. Edit: som tu znova, tentokrat neskutocne sklamanie: kolegovavia mi stale vravia, ze sa tu vyklada do 20 min, no uz som tu 2x a uz znova tu cakam viac ako 3 hodiny. Je to nehorazne takto zdrziavat vodicov a len tak si chodit po hale so zeriavom raz za 15 min. Namiesto par minut stravenych vylozenim. Tie zvytky nech si tam potom uklada. ??‍♀️??‍♀️
The company is quite nice, but I haven't met with a break in the time from 10:40 - 11:40. It's quite an interesting time. Due to the unloading speed (approx. 5 min.) Of 1 roll, I think that the worker could unload the roll before the break and we did not have to wait for an hour as we had another load. The employee during the unloading, was nice unnecessarily stretched time. Edit: I'm here again, this time unbelievably disappointing: my colleagues keep telling me that it's being unloaded here in 20 minutes, but I've been here twice and I've been waiting here for more than 3 hours. It's outrageous to keep drivers like this and just walk around the hall with a crane once every 15 minutes. Instead of a few minutes spent unloading. Then keep those customs there. ??♀️??♀️

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