Rudolfova štola - Královská obora 170 00

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Contact Rudolfova štola

Address :

Královská obora 170 00, 170 00 Praha 7-Bubeneč, Czechia

Postal code : 170
Categories :
City : Praha 7 Bubeneč

Královská obora 170 00, 170 00 Praha 7-Bubeneč, Czechia
Eva Jordan on Google

Podzemní štola spojující Vltavu a Královskou oboru , dnešní Stromovku , vedla vodu do zdejších rybníků . Velmi zajímavé jsou prohlídky štoly pořádané přiležitostně, je to dílo dalece přesahující dobu svého vzniku. Na jejim konci na Nabřeží kpt. Jaroše stojí strážní domek.
The underground tunnel connecting the Vltava and the Royal Fields, today's Stromovka, led the water to the local ponds. Very interesting are the tours of the adit organized occasionally, it is a work far beyond its origins. At its end at Nabřeží kpt. Jarosha stands guard house.
Sona Stoiljkovic on Google

Technické dílo, které napájí rybníky ve Stromovce, bylo vybudováno na popud císaře Rudolfa II. v letech 1584-93. Ručně ražená štola o délce 1 102 metrů přivádí vodu z výše položeného toku Vltavy. Příležitostně je otevřena pro veřejnost.
The technical work that powers the ponds in Stromovka was built at the instigation of Emperor Rudolf II. in the years 1584-93. The hand-excavated gallery with a length of 1,102 meters brings water from the above-mentioned Vltava river. It is occasionally open to the public.
Frodo Cat on Google

Zajímavá historicko-technická záležitost.
An interesting historical and technical matter.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Tunel vyražený mezi lety 1589 až 1593 pro zásobování Královské obory vodou o délce 1098 metrů překonává výškový rozdíl hladin Vltavy 110 cm. Štola probíhá asi 45 metrů pod terénem a dnešní zástavbou Letné. Konce jsou obezděné cihlami, dno pokryté keramickými žlabovkami. Ve Stromovce je ukončená zděným portálem, zdobeným korunkou, letopočtem dokončení stavby (1593) a iniciálou R (Rudolf II.). Zachovány jsou i čtyři téměř čtyřicetimetrové průduchy, které sloužily při výstavbě. Jeden z nich je vidět v Čechově ulici a je zakryt věžičkou, další pak vyúsťuje do parku na Letné (u tenisové haly). Věžička, která je vidět v Čechově ulici před domem čo. 16 je odbočná chodba z hlavní šachty č. 2 a jde o úpravu z roku 1906. Šachta č. 2 končí totiž ve vozovce a je zakrytá litinovým poklopem. Po rekonstrukci v roce 1991 byla štola při příležitosti 100. výročí Jubilejní zemské výstavy v Praze částečně zpřístupněna veřejnosti, ale záhy byla opět uzavřena pro nevyhovující technický stav. The tunnel, blasted between 1589 and 1593 for supplying the Royal Fields with water, 1098 meters long, surpasses the surface difference of the Vltava by 110 cm. The tunnel is about 45 meters below the terrain and today's urban development of Letná. The tunnel´s both ends are walled with bricks, the bed is covered with ceramic gutters. Stromovka tunnel end is terminate with a brick portal decorated with a crown, with the year of completion of the building (1593) and the initials of R (Rudolf II). There are also four fourty-meter-long vents preserved that served during construction. One of them is visible in Čechova Street and is covered by a turret, the other one leads to the park in Letná (near the tennis hall). The turret which is visible in Čechova Street in front of the house nr. 16 is a branch-off hall from the main shaft No. 2 and it is a modification from 1906. The shaft No. 2 ends in the road and is covered by a cast-iron hatch. After reconstruction in 1991 the tunnel was partly opened for public on the occasion of the 100th anniversary Jubilee Exhibition in Prague, but was soon closed again for unsatisfactory technical condition.
The tunnel excavated between 1589 and 1593 to supply the Royal Game Reserve with water with a length of 1098 meters overcomes the height difference of the Vltava levels of 110 cm. The adit runs about 45 meters below the terrain and today's development of Letná. The ends are lined with bricks, the bottom covered with ceramic gutters. In Stromovka it ends with a brick portal, decorated with a crown, the year of completion of the building (1593) and the initial R (Rudolf II.). There are also preserved four almost forty-meter vents, which were used during construction. One of them can be seen in Čechova street and is covered by a turret, the other then leads to the park in Letná (near the tennis hall). The tower, which can be seen in Čechova street in front of the house co. 16 is a branch corridor from the main shaft no. 2 and it is a modification from 1906. Shaft no. After reconstruction in 1991, the gallery was partially opened to the public on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Jubilee Provincial Exhibition in Prague, but was soon closed again due to unsatisfactory technical condition. The tunnel, blasted between 1589 and 1593 for supplying the Royal Fields with water, 1098 meters long, surpasses the surface difference of the Vltava by 110 cm. The tunnel is about 45 meters below the terrain and today's urban development of Letná. The tunnel´s both ends are walled with bricks, the bed is covered with ceramic gutters. Stromovka tunnel end is terminate with a brick portal decorated with a crown, with the year of completion of the building (1593) and the initials of R (Rudolf II). There are also four fourty-meter-long vents preserved that served during construction. One of them is visible in Čechova Street and is covered by a turret, the other one leads to the park in Letná (near the tennis hall). The turret which is visible in Čechova Street in front of the house nr. 16 is a branch-off hall from the main shaft No. 2 and it is a modification from 1906. The shaft No. 2 ends in the road and is covered by a cast-iron hatch. After reconstruction in 1991 the tunnel was partly opened for public on the occasion of the 100th anniversary Jubilee Exhibition in Prague, but was soon closed again for unsatisfactory technical condition.
Vladimir Savchenko on Google

Lots of garbage
Martin Třešňák on Google

Vlad Vdovjuk on Google

Under construction now
Knefröd Zwentibold on Google

As far as historical sewers go, this is a clear winner! It's locked off by a gate, but with a flashlight you can have a shufti. If you could get in, and with hip-high wellintons, and if you're free of claustrophobia and not easily grossed out, you could probably wade upstream for a bit, but you'd have to get in the water. The tunnel is about 3 m high but only about 1 m wide.

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