Ryzáček, zapsaný spolek - Vyšehorky 16

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Contact Ryzáček, zapsaný spolek

Address :

Vyšehorky 16, 789 85 Líšnice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 789
Website : http://www.ryzacek.com/
Categories :
City : Líšnice

Vyšehorky 16, 789 85 Líšnice, Czechia
Michal Lavicka on Google

Irena Holubníčková on Google

Dan Celtic on Google

Je to krasne misto na konci obce. Kolem je priroda. Toto misto neni urcene pouze pro lidi, kteri vyuzivaji hiporehabilitace. Je tu spousta dalsich aktivit s vyuzitim koni. Behem jarnych a letnich prazdnin zde probihaji i primestske tabory s konma. Konaji se zde i akce pro verejnost. Lidem se zde venuje profesionalni personal.
It is a beautiful place at the end of the village. There is nature around. This place is not only for people who use hyporehabilitation. There are many other activities with the use of horses. During the spring and summer holidays, suburban camps with horses also take place here. There are also events for the public. Professional staff are dedicated to people here.

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