Salesiánský klub mládeže, z. s. Dům Ignáce Stuchlého - P. I. Stuchlého 26

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Contact Salesiánský klub mládeže, z. s. Dům Ignáce Stuchlého

Address :

P. I. Stuchlého 26, 763 16 Fryšták, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +779
Postal code : 763
Website :
Categories :
City : Fryšták

P. I. Stuchlého 26, 763 16 Fryšták, Czechia
Filip Petřkovský on Google

Vše co by tam mělo být tak tam je (i slaňování)
Everything that should be there is there (including abseiling)
Vojta Urban on Google

Nejlepší místo na navazování nových přátelství a prohlubování starých
The best place to make new friends and deepen old ones
Pavel Ševela on Google

Když jsem byl malý, tak jsme tam chodívali hrávat stolní fotbálek a pinec, ale teď to už pro ztratilo na významu, možná taky proto, že je to spojené s náboženstvím...
When I was a kid, we used to play table football and pinch, but now it has lost its importance, perhaps also because it is related to religion ...
Dominik Černý on Google

Každý si tady najde to svoje. Příjemní lidé a prostředí je lepší než v roce 2001.
Everyone will find their own. Pleasant people and environment is better than in 2001.
Jen M on Google

V rámci DISu mimo jiné funguje i perfektní kavárna s luxusní výběrovou kávou a širokou nabídkou knih a pamlsků.
Among other things, DIS also has a perfect café with a luxurious selection of coffee and a wide range of books and treats.
Nikol on Google

DIS... to je prostě klasika Fryštáku a moje nádherný roky strávené tam během studií na střední škole. Vše začalo Orientačními dny a DIS se stal mojí velkou láskou. Děkuji za těch pár let, co jsem tam jezdila. Na akce a pak i vypomáhat.
DIS ... it's just a classic of Fryšták and my wonderful years spent there during my high school studies. It all started with Orientation Days and DIS became my great love. Thank you for the few years I've been there. For events and then help out.
Miroslav Hartl on Google

Příjemní lidé, pohodově strávená dovolená. Dům nabízí spoustu aktivit, nejen sportovních (horolezecká stěna, multifunkční hřiště, pinec, kulečník, kostýmérna...) ale i bar s obsluhou, kaple, vaří tu dobře, ubytování na úrovni, určitě se sem zase vrátíme :)
Pleasant people, relaxing holiday. The house offers a lot of activities, not only sports (climbing wall, multifunctional playground, pinec, billiards, costume ...) but also a bar with service, chapel, cooks well, accommodation at a level, we will definitely come back again :)
Ondřej BATOUŠEK on Google

The main part of the neohistorical building with nice Victoriean style elements on fascade and Art-Noveau interiors was built in 1902 by the Nuns of the Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary as an extension to the original so-called old school from 1860. In 1927 complex was purchased by the Salesians under the leadership of P. Ignác Stuchlý, the only first Czech Salesian congregation began. It was a boys' high school with a dormitory that prepared future Salesians. In 1931, the house was extended to the front with a chapel, a theater hall and a gym. With the interruption during the war, this work existed until 1950, when it was abolished by the Communist government. The house passed under state administration and was home to retirees. In 1990 congregation restitued the house, now works as Salesian Youth Pastoral Center open to public. In the context of the contemporary life and work of the Catholic Church, DIS is among the so-called meeting houses, like, for example, exercise homes, spirituality homes in Italy, or educational homes in Germany.

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