Sarka Business Park Ltd.

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Sarka Business Park Ltd.

Address :

Lužná 591, 160 00 Praha 6-Vokovice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +9
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha 6 Vokovice

Lužná 591, 160 00 Praha 6-Vokovice, Czechia
Kotab Kotab on Google

Tomáš Murňák on Google

Václav Vejvoda on Google

Dilapidated ....
Jaro Kromel on Google

V pohode ik
Cool ik
Ladislav Marek on Google

Pěkné, zastrčené místo "v zeleni"
Nice, tucked in "green"
Roman Kühnel on Google

Katastrofální dopravní spojení. Zanedbané prostory.
Catastrophic transport connections. Neglected spaces.
Tomas Grygera on Google

Kousek od okruhu blízko letiště asi horší dostupnost MHD parkování zdarma
Not far from the circuit near the airport about worse availability of public transport free parking
Goblon Gringott on Google

Ten, kdo vymyslel umístění a velikost budovy, by se měl okamžitě omluvit a nechat ji na své náklady strhnout. Jak mohlo někoho napadnout postavit něco, co nezapadá do krajiny a naprosto hyzdí horizont?
Anyone who has devised the location and size of a building should immediately apologize and have it demolished at their own expense. How could anyone think of building something that does not fit into the landscape and completely defeats the horizon?

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