Sbor opata Prokopa - Husova 97

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Contact Sbor opata Prokopa

Address :

Husova 97, 285 06 Sázava, Czechia

Postal code : 285
Categories :
City : Sázava

Husova 97, 285 06 Sázava, Czechia
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Obec Církve československé husitské vznikla na Sázavě roku 1932. Pod vedením faráře Jaroslava Bendla si v letech 1939 (základní kámen položen 28. 5. toho roku) až 1941 postavila jednoduchý sbor v poněkud rustikálních konstruktivisticko-funkcionalistických formách. Jednolodní stavba s hranolovou věží u severozápadního nároží tvoří dominantu levého předmostí jediného silničního mostu ve městě. Roku 1967 byl upraven teren zavezením rokle vedle sboru. The village of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church was founded on Sázava in 1932. Under the leadership of the priest Jaroslav Bendl, in 1939 (the foundation stone was laid on 28 May of that year) until 1941, they constructed a simple church in somewhat rustic constructivist-functionalist forms. A single-nave building with a prismatic tower at the northwest corner forms the dominant of the leftmost bridgehead of a single road bridge in the city. In 1967 the land was set up by a ravine next to the choir.
The village of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church was founded in Sázava in 1932. Under the leadership of parish Jaroslav Bendl, in 1939 (the foundation stone laid on 28 May of that year) until 1941, it built a simple choir in somewhat rustic constructivist-functionalist forms. The single-nave building with a prismatic tower at the northwest corner forms the dominant of the left bridgehead of the only road bridge in the city. In 1967 the terrain was modified by loading a ravine next to the choir. The village of Czechoslovak Hussite Church was founded on Sázava in 1932. Under the leadership of the space Jaroslav Bendl, in 1939 (the foundation stone was laid on 28 May of that year) until 1941, they constructed a simple church in somewhat rustic constructivist -functionalist forms. A single-nave building with a prismatic tower at the northwest corner forms the dominant of the leftmost bridgehead of the single road bridge in the city. In 1967 the land was set up by a ravine next to the choir.

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