Sekulární řád bosých karmelitánů - Karmelitská

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Contact Sekulární řád bosých karmelitánů

Address :

Karmelitská, 118 00 Malá Strana, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 118
Website :
City : Malá Strana

Karmelitská, 118 00 Malá Strana, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Bosí karmelitáni přišli do zdejšího již existujícího kláštera roku 1624 a u kostela na jižní straně vybudovali rozsáhlý komplex kláštera. Dnes v něm sídlí Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy. Klášter je úzce spjat se vzácnou soškou Pražského Jezulátka. V roce 1631 Prahu obsadili Sasové a karmelitáni z kláštera uprchli. Klášter byl vypleněn a Jezulátko bylo poničeno a hozeno mezi smetí za oltář. Řeholníci se vrátili do Prahy v roce 1637, sošku našli (údajně byla až v překvapivě dobrém stavu) a obnovili tradici uctívání. Barefoot Carmelites came to the already existing monastery in 1624 and built a large monastery complex near the church on the south side. Today it houses the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The monastery is closely connected with the precious statuette of the Infant Jesus of Prague. In 1631 Prague was occupied by Saxons and Carmelites fled from the monastery. The monastery was plundered and the Infant Jesus was damaged and thrown between the garbage behind the altar. The religious order returned to Prague in 1637, found the statue (reportedly in surprisingly good condition) and renewed the tradition of worship.
The barefoot Carmelites came to the already existing monastery in 1624 and built a large monastery complex near the church on the south side. Today it houses the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The monastery is closely connected with the precious statuette of the Infant Jesus of Prague. In 1631 Prague was occupied by Saxons and Carmelites fled from the monastery. The monastery was looted and the Infant Jesus was destroyed and thrown between the garbage at the altar. Religious returned to Prague in 1637, found the statue (reportedly in surprisingly good condition) and renewed the tradition of worship. Barefoot Carmelites came to the already existing monastery in 1624 and built a large monastery complex near the church on the south side. Today it houses the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The monastery is closely connected with the precious statuette of the Infant Jesus of Prague. In 1631 Prague was occupied by Saxons and Carmelites from the monastery. The monastery was plundered and the Infant Jesus was damaged and thrown between the garbage behind the altar. The religious order returned to Prague in 1637, found the statue (reportedly in a surprisingly good condition) and renewed the tradition of worship.

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