
4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Shell

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Opavská 201, 721 00 Ostrava-Svinov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +997
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City : Ostrava Svinov

Opavská 201, 721 00 Ostrava-Svinov, Czechia
Monika Kralova on Google

Uzasna prodejna a maji tu vse co je pro unavenou ridicku potreba navic me vrela kava opravdu nabudila na dalsich par desitek kilometru..jezdim sem rada.. Za me ?????
An amazing shop and they have everything there is for a tired driving need.
Lina Voinovych on Google

Mega párek to je pěkný hnus..studený a místo karamelizované cibulky zmrzlá marinovaná..obyčejní párek taký stal horší..??
Mega sausage is a nice disgust..cold and instead of caramelized onions frozen marinated..orfect sausage also became worse..??
Lubomír MIČKAL on Google

Začal jsem jezdit na tuto čerpací stanici po doporučení. Dnes už nikde jinde netankuji. Ceny pohonných hmot tu jsou v porovnání s ostatními sice vyšší, ovšem zase ušetřím mnohem více za opravy. Od doby co jsem začal jezdit na tuto čerpací stanici mám klid. Částky za opravy, které jsem investoval pro nekvalitní palivo se mi mnohonásobně vrátily. Je to ovšem věc názoru. Já jsem nadmíru spokojen a teď už ani nemusím stát ve frontě.
I started driving to this gas station after a recommendation. Today I don't refuel anywhere else. Fuel prices are higher here compared to others, but again I will save much more for repairs. I have been quiet since I started driving to this gas station. The amounts for repairs that I invested for poor quality fuel returned to me many times over. But it is a matter of opinion. I am extremely satisfied and now I don't even have to stand in line.
Lukáš Rizoto on Google

Tradiční počet hvězd za klasické Shell služby, se kterými jsem léta nadmíru spokojen. Zde je to umocněné Mordorem kolem (rozuměj Ostravou), jelikož po desáté hodině večer první otevřená pumpa, kterou jsem vůbec potkal!
The traditional number of stars for the classic Shell service, with which I have been extremely satisfied for years. Here it is amplified by Mordor around (understand Ostrava), because after ten o'clock in the evening the first open pump I have ever met!
Jesse Kaye on Google

Po natankování celé nádrže jsem šel zaplatit. Byla mi nabídnuta káva zdarma, což mě potěšilo. Káva mi ale byla ve finále naúčtována v plné výši. Nejsem hádavý člověk, takže jsem to zaplatil, ale velmi mě to zklamalo. Beru to jako klamání zákazníka, tam už pravděpodobně nikdy nepojedu.
After refueling the whole tank, I went to pay. I was offered free coffee, which pleased me. But in the final, my coffee was charged in full. I'm not a quarrelsome person, so I paid for it, but I was very disappointed. I take it as deceiving the customer, I'll probably never go there again.
Kesl Buntez on Google

Hussam Dahwa on Google

Very good
AUSTIG M on Google

Very expensive car wash for no reason, they will steal if you dont ask for paragon or reciept, always check your account when you pay by card, i ordered one pack of cigarrets, after i took it i wanted the reciept which she didnt offer from start, i realised she charged me for two packs, so almost 100kč or 4 Euros extra, she tried not to give me the reciept, but eventually, she gave me the extra money she took, i cannt say it was intentional, but guys, always ask for kontrola or reciept from gas stations or benzina in Czech Republic, it became more like a trend.

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