Skiservis Nedvěd

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Skiservis Nedvěd

Address :

Sadová 2133, 288 02 Nymburk, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +
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Opening hours :
Sunday 6–7PM
Monday 3–6PM
Tuesday 3–6PM
Wednesday 3–6PM
Thursday 3–6PM
Friday 3–6PM
Saturday 10AM–12PM
Categories :
City : Nymburk

Sadová 2133, 288 02 Nymburk, Czechia
Lucka Slepičkova on Google

Chtěla jsem se pouze zeptat na bezky a pan mě serval do telefonu...arogantní chování, nedoporučuji!!
I just wanted to ask about elders and Mr. served me on the phone ... arrogant behavior, I do not recommend !!
Lubos Pusty on Google

Arogantny a ignorantsky personal, zufala kvalita sluzieb. Dufam, ze v Nymburku cim skor vznikne kvalitna konkurencia. Vyhnite sa im.
Arrogant and ignorant personal, poor quality of service. I hope that in Nymburk there will soon be good competition. Avoid them.
Aleš Bidrman on Google

Skvěly servis,doporučuji
Great service, I recommend
Jiří Duba on Google

Výborná půjčovna, přívětivé ceny a vstřícný personál. Vřele doporučuji
Excellent rental, friendly prices and helpful staff. I warmly recommend
Radek Pýcha on Google

Muj pripad se stal minuly rok, ale koukam ze nejsem sam kdo ma takove zkusenosti s timhle personalem v Nymburce. Chtel jsem pouze mabrousit hrany. Lyze jsem tam nechal. Nabrouseni podle jejich vyveseneho ceniku snad 250, cenu uz si nepamatuju. Kdyz jsem si pro lyze sel, postarsi pan mi je vydava a co jsem nevidel na paragonu, brouseni hran uprava skluznice a dalsi veci za ktere po me chtel 530 kc. Zaprve lyze nebyly moje a mel jsem je pujcene jen na jedno lyzovani takze jsem chtel opravdu pouze nabrousit hrany....ale budiz...presel bych to. Kdyby se nestalo, co se stalo dale. Davam panovi 550 Kc a cekam co se bude dit. No nic se nedelo tak na sebe oba koukame a ja teda rikam ze jsem mu dal 550 a on prede vsema lidma rekne ze pan je asi nejaky socialni pripad a vraci mi 20 Kc. Zatal jsem zuby a odesel. Uz nikdy vic. Kdyby to nebyl duchodce asi bych se neudrzel.
My case happened last year, but I see that I am not alone in having such experience with this staff in Nymburk. I just wanted to grind the edges. I left Lyze there. Sharpened according to their posted price list perhaps 250, I don't remember the price. When I went skiing, the elderly gentleman gave them to me, and what I didn't see on the receipt, grinding the edges adjusts the base and other things for which he wanted 530 CZK. At first, the skis weren't mine and I only had them lent for one ski, so I really just wanted to sharpen the edges .... but be it ... I'd pass. If it didn't happen, what happened next. I give the master 550 CZK and I'm waiting for what will happen. Well, nothing happened so we both look at each other and so I say that I gave him 550 and he tells all the people that Mr. is probably a social case and returns 20 CZK. I gritted my teeth and left. Never more. If he wasn't a retiree, I probably wouldn't have kept up.
Martin Jílek on Google

Souhlasim s arogantnim personalem. Starsi pan se chova velmi nevhodne, ma spoustu nevhodnych reci "na ranu". Problem je aby udelali vse, co po nich chcete.
I agree with arrogant staff. The older man is behaving very inappropriately, he has a lot of inappropriate words "in the morning". The problem is, they do everything you want them to do.
Jan Roubal on Google

Výborná zkušenost. Pánové byli maximálně vstřícní. Mohu doporučit.
Great experience. The gentlemen were extremely accommodating. I can recommend.
horyxfn on Google

Půjčovali jsme si lyže, zaprvý starší důchodce s brýlema už se v tom neorientuje, má v tom bordel, zapomíná, co po něm chcem apod. Furt se ptá dokola na to stejný. Když jsme si přišli půjčit lyže, vše v pohodě, ale když jsme jeli na hory, tak jsme zjistili, že mi dal špatný boty, takže zkažený celý hory. Brejlatý důchodce už by měl zvažovat nad svoji prací, jestli nekazí pověst podniku.
We rented skis, firstly an older pensioner with glasses is no longer familiar with it, he has a mess in it, he forgets what I want from him, etc. Furt asks the same thing all around. When we came to rent skis, everything was fine, but when we went to the mountains, we found that he gave me the wrong boots, so spoiled the whole mountain. A spectacled retiree should already consider his or her job to determine whether or not he or she is ruining the company's reputation.

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