
4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Skydent

Address :

Pisárecká 269/6, Pisárky, 603 00 Brno, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 7AM–6PM
Tuesday 7AM–6PM
Wednesday 7AM–6PM
Thursday 7AM–6PM
Friday 7AM–2PM
Saturday Closed
Categories :
City : Brno

Pisárecká 269/6, Pisárky, 603 00 Brno, Czechia
Štefan Friča on Google

Všechno skvělé. Lékaři i nejmodernější vybavení. Přátelský přístup.
Everything great. Doctors and the most modern equipment. Friendly attitude.
Petr Marek on Google

Jsem spokojený. Rentgenem se nešetří, plomba drží. Na druhou stranu, mám bezproblémové zuby, takže těch pět hvězd berte s rezervou :) Hodnocení bude mít větší váhu, až budeme řešit nějaký vážnější problém. A to se snad díky pravidelným prohlídkám nestane :)
I'm satisfied. X-rays are not spared, the seal is holding. On the other hand, I have problem-free teeth, so take the five stars with a grain of salt :) The rating will carry more weight when we solve a more serious problem. And that probably won't happen thanks to regular inspections :)
Irena Chmelova on Google

Skydent zubní ordinaci vřele doporučuji. Velmi příjemný personál, super moderní přístroje, pěkné prostředí. Doktor Diviš mi díky velmi pečlivému přečištění kanálků zachránil zub, na který už jsem od předchozí zubařky měla objednanou extrakci. Skydent je opravdu skvělá zubní ordinace!
I highly recommend Skydent dental surgery. Very friendly staff, super modern equipment, nice environment. Thanks to a very careful cleaning of the canals, Dr. Diviš saved a tooth for which I had already ordered an extraction from a previous dentist. Skydent is a really great dental office!
Monika Zamborská on Google

Moje dlouholetá zubařka pořád jednom říkala "vše v pořádku". Teprve tady mi udělali rentgen a našli hodně skrytých kazů, které postupně opravili. Příjemné prostředí, vstřícný personál, bezbolestné o#etření, připomenutí objednaného termínu den předem, hodně se dbá na prevenci, což je skvělé. Není to nejlevnější, ale v Brně standard a skutečně to za to stojí.
My longtime dentist kept saying "everything's fine." Only here did they do an X-ray and find a lot of hidden caries, which they gradually repaired. Pleasant environment, helpful staff, painless treatment, reminder of the booked date the day before, a lot is paid to prevention, which is great. It is not the cheapest, but a standard in Brno and it is really worth it.
Anna Chuchmová on Google

Odborný a milý přístup. Bezbolestné ošetření. Skydent můžu jen doporučit. Vyléčili mi zuby s váčky a záněty. Díky předešlému zubaři jsem o takový 1zub přišla. Kanálky zaplnil špatně. Toto se ve Skydentu nestane. Naopak, dokáží napravit i to, co se jinde nepovedlo správně. Berou i karty.
Professional and kind approach. Painless treatment. I can only recommend Skydent. They cured my teeth with sacs and inflammation. Thanks to a previous dentist, I lost such a tooth. He filled the channels badly. This will not happen in Skydent. On the contrary, they can fix what went wrong elsewhere. They also take cards.
Martina Drlíková on Google

Hledala jsem zubaře pro sebe a své děti. Toto centrum mělo na stránkách uvedeno, že přijímají nové pacienty. Po telefonu mi bylo sděleno, že přijímají pouze dospělé pacienty. Dětské pacienty přijímají po roce chození dospělého. Pokud by se takto chovali všichni zubaři a odcházela by zubařka společná pro dospělého a dítě, tak dítě nemá 1 rok nárok na registraci!
I was looking for a dentist for myself and my children. The center stated on the site that they were accepting new patients. I was told on the phone that they only admit adult patients. Pediatric patients accept an adult after a year of walking. If all dentists behaved in this way and a dentist common for an adult and a child left, then the child is not entitled to registration for 1 year!
Soňa Gumančíková on Google

Pěkné prostředí, milý personál. ochota, vstřícnost, profesionalita, vybavení, vše na jednom místě. Kdo toto hledá, vřele doporučuji, určitě nebude litovat a bude spokojený jak já. *****a ještě k tomu 1
Nice environment, nice staff. willingness, helpfulness, professionalism, equipment, all in one place. Whoever is looking for this, I highly recommend, will certainly not regret it and will be as satisfied as I am. ***** and in addition 1
Letícia Pelegrini on Google

I went to Skydent by the end of August for the first time. I wanted to schedule the next appointment already, but the secretary said "we'll schedule it when you come back for the hygiene". I did so, and once I was back, there was a slot only in November to treat a carie on my tooth. I was informed about one tooth with carie only. I went back on November 8th, found out there were actually two teeth with carie. The doctor treated one of them, and informed at the end that she tried her best but the tooth was already very weak, and that if I felt any pain I would probably need canal treatment. And only then I was informed there was another tooth with carie, and the next appointment would be in January only. I talked to the secretary, and she managed to book it by the end of November. I was informed about the price of the service only after it was performed. I started to feel pain two weeks after the procedure.Thankfully I went to a different dentist in Prague to get a second opinion, and was informed that the tooth the dentist from Skydent treated actually needed canal treatment. My dentist in Brazil agrees. The problem is that because of the amount of filling, it's harder to find the canal now. She explained only after the procedure that canal could be an option, and the tooth was really bad. And I may lose my tooth if this delicate procedure is not done well. Besides, there were other teeth with carie that hadn't been identified by the dentist, even though exams were done. At your clinic, I always felt treated like a number. And now this. I don't know what kind of service you think you provide. But be sure that not taking the job seriously, doing everything in a rush, not examining the patient well or explaining before a procedure... you are doing more harm than good to people. ***************** UPDATE: I received an e-mail from the clinic. They only answered after I posted a review in one of their Facebook photos. It was erased, I posted another one again, they erased again. On the e-mail I received, Dr. Seryj (not the one who did the procedure) states: "I can say for sure that any filling on the upper right molar isn't caused by the incapability of your Brazilian dentist to find root canals and root treatment in cases like yours is normal treatment. Maybe you should find some specialist with a microscope like us". Well, it's not hard to imagine that a microscope doesn't make a good dentist. I consulted a new dentist in Prague (not Brazilian, with a microscope), and 2 other dentists in Brazil who checked the exams. A lot of filling does make it harder to find the canals, regardless the dentist. What upset me was that it was not explained before the procedure that canal was an option. So I wasted 3 360 Kc with filling procedure, was in a lot of pain two weeks after and need canal anyway. I honestly remember I was informed about one carie only on the first appointment, and apologized to the clinic in case it was my mistake. Still, I was not informed about the price of filling (secretary lied to the team or didn't remember what happened when questioned; she even apologized to me on the same day, and sent me an invoice via e-mail because my money was in my savings account and I had no internet). Considering they knew there were two really bad teeth with carie, my first appointment was in August. The treatment was scheduled only in November. So I thought they would treat everything needed, right? But no, they scheduled a time slot for one tooth only, knowing that I was already living in a different city and going to Brno just to treat it. They wanted to schedule the appointment for the other tooth in January only (5 months after first appointment), I had to push to get a schedule in November. I'm sure there are some good professionals there, but overall you are treated like a number. Specially if you are a foreigner, many times I called and the person would hang up after talking to me. I tried over and over, more than 8 times, the person would pick up the phone and hang up. I couldn't recommend a dental clinic less.

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