Slevodar s.r.o. - Rybná 716

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Contact Slevodar s.r.o.

Address :

Rybná 716, 110 00 Staré Město, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
Postal code : 110
Website :
Categories :
City : Staré Město

Rybná 716, 110 00 Staré Město, Czechia
maria zaitseva on Google

Hana Vokrová on Google

Pozor na tento obchod, ani po měsíci mi zaplacené zboží nedorazilo, telefon mi nikdo nezvedá, na maily nikdo nereaguje. S penězi se asi budu muset rozloučit!
Beware of this shop, even after a month the paid goods did not arrive. I'll probably have to say goodbye to the money!
Pavlína Horká on Google

NEDOPORUČUJI... Zboží nedošlo,nikdo nezvedal telefon na email neodpovídali až jsem to začala resit s policii najednou pan odepisoval,ale byl arogantní,peníze nakonec došly,ale mají na sebe toho víc,takže se nebojte komu nedošlo zboží ani peníze běžte na policii.
I DO NOT RECOMMEND ... The goods did not come, nobody picked up the phone on the email did not respond until I started to deal with the police suddenly depreciated, but he was arrogant, the money finally ran out, but they have more to wear, so don't worry who didn't get the goods .
Jana Kyclova on Google

Otec koupil kameru na těchto stránkách. Nejdříve jim trvalo asi měsíc doručit uz zakoupené a zaplacene zboží. A několik připomínajícího e-mailů. Kamera nefunguje tak jak by měla. Je to nejaka noname značka co nikde jinde nenabizeji. Nekupujte u nich. Nejsou spolehliví a nevedou kvalitní zboží.
Father bought the camera on this site. First it took them about a month to deliver the purchased and paid goods. And a few reminder emails. The camera is not working as intended. It's some kind of noname brand that they don't offer anywhere else. Don't buy them. They are not reliable and do not keep quality goods.
Josh Antanaitis on Google

This company operates I bought an SD card from this place. The product delivered was different from the advertised product. I wrote them to complain. No response. I sent them the product with their return slip according to instructions on their site. I have not heard from them, ever. I didn't receive my money back. Their phone doesn't answer.

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