Šmahlík Vladimír - autodoprava - Komenského 457

1/5 based on 1 reviews

Contact Šmahlík Vladimír - autodoprava

Address :

Komenského 457, 742 58 Příbor, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 742
Categories :
City : Příbor

Komenského 457, 742 58 Příbor, Czechia
marios4343 on Google

Je to pre mna podvodník . Predal mi dodavku "v super stave" skoro plakal ked mi ju predaval ze je to auto v perfektnom stave a ze ma (to odprisahal) najazdene 360tis. km ako servisne vozidlo a ani nie po mesiaci ked som musel vymenit spojku zacal som patrat po tom ze vyriesim svietiacu kontrolku ABS o ktorej mi povedal ze je to len nejaky kontakt lebo brzdy su po GO( co nebola pravda). No na moje prekvapenie som zistil ze na prednom kolese chyba cidlo otacok abs tak to mi este kupil ale bol strasne nastvany.Lenze po demotovani zadnych brzd. kotucov som zistil ze su rozbite obe zadne cidla abs a naboje zadnych kolies su z auta bez abs.To ze auto bolo vytmelene , strieknute a pripravene na predaj blbcovi ako ja som zistil po zime ked zacal ten tmel opadávat a vsade sa zacala vo velkom ukazovat hrdza a diery to uz bola len "tresnicka na dortu". No a po konzultacii v servise fiat sme dosli k zaveru ze auto ma urcite najazdene minimalne cez 800tis. km a motor tam bude meneny - tiez fusersky (predrate trubky od vstrekovacieho potrubia ,predrata trubka od mierky na olej ,tieklo vysokotlake naft. cerpadlo ) no skratka hruza. Tymto asi ukoncim moju recenziu na smahlika a pozdravujem ho a nech sa mu darí tak ako mne po kupi jeho dodavky v perfektnom stave. Je to pre mna spinavec , zlodej a .........!!!!
He's a cheater for me. He sold me a van "in super condition" almost crying when he was selling it to me that it's a car in perfect condition and that I swore it 360tis. km as a service vehicle and not even after a month when I had to replace the clutch I started to belong after that I solve the illuminated ABS light about which he told me it is just some contact because the brakes are after GO (what was not true). But to my surprise, I found that the front wheel error sensor speed abs so it still bought me but was terribly nastvany.Lenze after demotování the rear brakes. I found out that the two rear ABS sensors are broken and the rear wheel hubs are out of the car without the abs. rust and holes it was just "cheesecake on the cake". And after consultation in the fiat service we arrived at the conclusion that the car certainly has driven at least over 800tis. km and the engine will be changed there - also Fuser (pre-pipe from the injection pipe, pre-drilled pipe from the oil dipstick, flowed high-pressure oil pump) but the acronym of the bite. These probably end my review of smahlika and greet him and let him do as I did after buying his van in perfect condition. It is for me spinavec, thief and ......... !!!!

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