Smíchovské nádraží

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Smíchovské nádraží

Address :

Smíchov, 150 00 Praha 5, Czechia

Categories :
City : Praha

Smíchov, 150 00 Praha 5, Czechia
vkrahulec on Google

Poměrně stará stanice na trase B, pravděpodobně jedna z prvních. Potřebovala by rekonstrukci. Bezbariérový přístup je zajištěn plošinou. Stanice má několik výstupu, takže se můžete lehce ztratit. Jeden z výstupu vede na vlakové nádraží.
Relatively old station on route B, probably one of the first. She would need reconstruction. Wheelchair access is secured by platform. The station has several outputs, so you can easily get lost. One exit leads to the train station.
S. on Google

Nádraží by si zasloužilo rekonstrukci, ale i takhle má své kouzlo. Možnost nákupu v obchodech, rychlé občerstvení....vše, co je třeba.
The station would deserve reconstruction, but it still has its charm. Possibility to shop, fast food .... everything you need.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Stanice pod stejnojmenným nádražím byla otevřena 2. listopadu 1985 a až do roku 1988 byla dočasně konečnou stanicí linky B. Dvoupodlažní stanice je hloubená 10 metrů pod povrchem. Pro bezbariérovou přepravu imobilních osob a cestujících s kočárky můžete využít šikmou plošinu, která byla zprovozněna v roce 2006 u schodiště směrem k tramvajovému obratišti. The metro station under the railway station of the same name was opened on November 2, 1985 and until 1988 was temporarily the final station of line B. The two-storey station is dug 10 meters below the surface. For barrier-free transport of immobile persons and passengers with prams, you can use a sloping platform, which was put into operation in 2006 by the stairs towards the tram turnout.
The station under the station of the same name was opened on November 2, 1985 and until 1988 was temporarily the final station of line B. The two-storey station is dug 10 meters below the surface. For barrier-free transport of immobile persons and passengers with prams, you can use a sloping platform, which was put into operation in 2006 by the stairs towards the tram turnout. The metro station under the railway station of the same name was opened on November 2, 1985 and until 1988 was temporarily the final station of line B. The two-storey station is dug 10 meters below the surface. For barrier-free transport of immobile persons and passengers with prams, you can use a sloping platform, which was put into operation in 2006 by the stairs towards the tram turnout.
Jaroslav Strnisko on Google

Čekám na vlak. Je tu čisto, pivo je z tanku. Čerstvé a zajímavý, chutná. :-)
I'm waiting for the train. It's clean, the beer is from the tank. Fresh and interesting, tasty. :-)
Adam Motyl on Google

Old station...
Amirko Ghriss2 on Google

Connection between metro and buses
Daniel Brvnišťan on Google

A bit desolate metro station from 1985. It needs a refurbishment, which is planned to happen with the adjoining train station.
Amir Uhde on Google

It's a great alternative to regular public transport. The station itself is a little bit shady. A lot of people group up there, smoke, get drunk and others (At night). In the day its nothing to worry about, it gets worse at night.

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