Socha sv. Josefa - Horní Tříč

4/5 based on 1 reviews

Contact Socha sv. Josefa

Address :

Horní Tříč, 513 01 Vysoké nad Jizerou, Czechia

Postal code : 513
Categories :
City : Vysoké nad Jizerou

Horní Tříč, 513 01 Vysoké nad Jizerou, Czechia
Jiri Randa on Google

K soše se váže pověst: oba byli mladí, on studoval bohosloví. A měli spolu dítě, jenže on nechtěl studia ukončit. A proto ona právě tady jejich dítě utopila. Socha byla postavena na usmíření. ... Podle jiného vyprávění se sem, k zázračné studánce, konala procesí a dokonce se tu zjevovali bezhlaví rytíři.
There is a legend attached to the statue: they were both young, he studied theology. And they had a child together, but he didn't want to finish his studies. And that's why she drowned their child here. The statue was built for reconciliation. ... According to another story, a procession took place here, to the miraculous well, and even headless knights appeared here.

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