Soukromá školka Hrošík

5/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact Soukromá školka Hrošík

Address :

Jabloňová 8, 106 00 Praha 10, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +797
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha

Jabloňová 8, 106 00 Praha 10, Czechia
Hana on Google

Syn školku navštěvoval od 2 let. Byli jsme nad míru spokojeni a kdybychom měli školku blízko bydliště určitě by chodil dál. Naučil se tu spoustu nových písniček i her. Domů nosil krásné obrázky na kterých bylo vidět, že se dětem opravdu věnují. Paní učitelky byly boží syn je měl hrozně rád! Za nás určitě doporučujeme. ?
The son attended kindergarten from the age of 2. We were extremely satisfied and if we had a kindergarten near the place of residence would definitely go on. He learned a lot of new songs and games here. At home, he wore beautiful pictures that showed that they were really dedicated to the children. The teachers were God's son, he loved them very much! We definitely recommend it for us. ?
Eliska Novotna on Google

Velmi se nam libi mensi kolektiv deti, skvely individualni pristup vsech pani ucitelek a pestry program. Skolka bohuzel nema vlastni hriste, ale deti chodi na prochazky ci hriste v okoli kazdy den. Za nas rozhodne doporucujeme.
We really like the smaller group of children, the great individual approach of all the teachers and the varied program. Unfortunately, the nursery school does not have its own playground, but children go for walks or playgrounds around every day. We definitely recommend it for us.

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