Speed Queen Laundry

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Speed Queen Laundry

Address :

tř. Míru 965/105, 779 00 Olomouc, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7979
Website : http://www.sqlaundry.cz/
Categories :
City : Olomouc

tř. Míru 965/105, 779 00 Olomouc, Czechia
Pavlína Illíková on Google

Jasná volba, když se potykame s velkým prádlem. Velké pračky utáhnou i peřiny, navíc je v průběhu praní možné odskočit si vedle na kávu...
Clear choice when dealing with large laundry. Large washing machines also tighten the duvets, and it is also possible to ...
Simona Petrášová on Google

Perfektné, moderné, útulné. Všetko potrebné sa dočítate na stránkach aj v práčovni. Dokonca je tam aj skvelá legenda na štítky od oblečenia. Dostanete sa tam autobusmy, aj tramvajkov (Neředín, krematórium), sú tu aj parkovacie miestav vyhradené pre ich zákaznikov. Tým, že tam nie je veľa strojov, je miesto vždy útulné, aj keď používa každý vlastný. Pani na telefóne bola taktiež veľmi milá a poradila mi koľko pračiek je voľných, aby som neišla zbytočne. Prádlo je skvelé, mäkké, voňavé a krásne čisté. Wifi kvalitná, rýchla. Jediné mínus-neboli koše na prádlo.
Perfect, modern, cozy. You can read everything you need on the website and in the laundry. There's even a great legend on clothing labels. You can get there by buses and trams (Neředín, crematorium), there are also parking spaces reserved for their customers. Because there are not many machines, the place is always cozy, even if everyone uses their own. The lady on the phone was also very nice and advised me how many washing machines are available so that I would not go unnecessarily. The linen is great, soft, fragrant and beautifully clean. Wifi quality, fast. The only minus-or laundry baskets.
That shy shit on Google

Já se hrozně bojím sušičky
I'm terribly afraid of dryers
Radek Beran on Google

ocenil bych možnost zabezpečit mnou používanou pračku zvlášť v době kdy není doporučováno zdržovat se v prádelně
I would appreciate the opportunity to secure the washing machine I use especially at a time when it is not recommended to stay in the laundry
Zdeněk Koutný on Google

Služby fungují, jak mají, jen bych bral např. bezkontaktní platby mobilem, atp., žetony a mince jsou takové zastaralé řešení. A uvítal bych sjednocení otvírací doby na webu a tady v Google mapách, kde jsou odlišné údaje.
The services work as they should, I would just take, for example, contactless payments by mobile phone, etc., tokens and coins are such an outdated solution. And I would welcome a unification of opening hours on the web and here in Google Maps, where the data is different.
Daniele Ruggeri on Google

Very fast service
Piotr Lantecki on Google

Good network self service loundry. Power and softener in price.
Iva Trávníčková on Google

Very fast and reasonable prices. AC inside is s nice touch.

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