Speel Praha

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Contact Speel Praha

Address :

Beranových 130, 199 00 Praha 18, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +
Website : http://www.vzlu.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha

Beranových 130, 199 00 Praha 18, Czechia
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Výzkumný a zkušební letecký ústav je české národní centrum pro výzkum, vývoj a zkušebnictví v letectví a kosmonautice. Zkušebna letadel byla založena 1. února 1923. Dne 1. prosince 1923 byl ústav přejmenován na Vojenský letecký ústav studijní. Zpočátku ústav sídlil v Praze na Pohořelci, odkud se v únoru 1923 přestěhoval do Střešovic. O čtyři roky později byl přestěhován do Letňan, kde sídlí dodnes. Od poloviny 60. let se ústav podílel na vývoji nových letounů L 39 Albatros, malého dopravního letounu L-410 a sportovních letounů. The Research and Testing Aviation Institute is the Czech National Center for Research, Development and Testing in Aerospace and astronautics. The Aircraft Testing Laboratory was established on February 1, 1923. On December 1, 1923, the Institute was renamed the Military Aviation Institute of Study. Initially, the institute was based in Prague at Pohořelec, from where it was moved to Střešovice in February 1923. Four years later it was moved to Letňany, where it still remains until today. Since the mid-1960s, the Institute has been involved in the development of new L 39 Albatros aircraft, the L-410 small passenger aircraft, and sports aircraft.
The Aeronautical Research and Testing Institute is the Czech national center for research, development and testing in aviation and aerospace. The aircraft testing laboratory was established on February 1, 1923. On December 1, 1923, the institute was renamed the Military Aviation Study Institute. Initially, the institute was based in Pohořelec, Prague, from where he moved to Střešovice in February 1923. Four years later, he moved to Letňany, where he is based to this day. Since the mid-1960s, the institute has been involved in the development of new L 39 Albatros aircraft, a small L-410 transport aircraft and sports aircraft. The Research and Testing Aviation Institute is the Czech National Center for Research, Development and Testing in Aerospace and astronautics. The Aircraft Testing Laboratory was established on February 1, 1923. On December 1, 1923, the Institute was renamed the Military Aviation Institute of Study. Initially, the institute was founded in Prague at Pohořelec, from where it was moved to Střešovice in February 1923. Four years later it was moved to Letňany, where it still remains until today. Since the mid-1960s, the Institute has been involved in the development of the new L 39 Albatros aircraft, the L-410 small passenger aircraft, and sports aircraft.

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