
4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact SteakLand

Address :

Na Hradbách, 280 02 Kolín, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +9
Categories :
City : Kolín

Na Hradbách, 280 02 Kolín, Czechia
Patrik Janotta on Google

Pěkné prostředí a jídlo také. Ovšem vzhled není vše. Byl jsem zde na burgeru takže nemohu hodnotit všechno ale vyjádřim se alespoň k tomu co jsem dostal. Kuchař si nedal na burgeru vůbec záležet. Maso vypadalo jako karbanátek, nebylo ani moc chutné ( chutnalo jak z jater, možná z polska ). Kyselé okurky v burgeru byly nakrájeny na délku, cibule na kroužky a slanina se pánve ani nedotkla. Dresing nedokážu popsat. Shrnu to, mám rád burgery kde si kousnu trochu z cibule, trochu z masa, trochu z okurky, trochu z rajčata, trochu ze slaniny. Suroviny co sem měl v burgeru byly takových rozměrů že sem si za boha nemohl dát vše dohromady (leda bych si to sám nakrájel a vrátil zpět). Velmi mě to zklamalo.
Nice setting and food also. But the look is not all. I was here on a burger so I can't evaluate everything but at least say what I got. The cook didn't care about the burger at all. The meat looked like a meatball, it wasn't very tasty (it tasted like liver, maybe from Poland). The burger pickles were cut in length, the onion rings and bacon did not touch the pan. I can't describe the dressing. To sum it up, I like burgers where I bite a little onion, a little meat, a little cucumber, a little tomato, a little bacon. The raw materials I had in the burger were of such dimensions that I couldn't put everything together for God (unless I cut it myself and came back). I was very disappointed.
Petra Tvrdá on Google

Poslední zkušenost podprůměrná. Stavili jsme se, protože jsme si chtěli dát polední menu uvedené na webu. Po příchodu jsme se dozvěděli, že je na webu uvedeno jídlo z minulého týdne (u dní nebyl datum, tudíž to nebylo možné poznat). Vybrali jsme si tedy z toho, co bylo. Hamburger podávaný v kupované trvanlivé housce s připálenou přílohou a spaghetti bolognese posypané eidamem, to je celkem silný kalibr. U tich špaget by to člověk přešel (chuťově nebyly tak zlé), kdyby se neužil název pokrmu, který má s podávaným výtvorem společné málo. Plus dávám za domácí limonády. Ty nikdy nezklamou...
Recent experience below average. We stopped because we wanted to have the lunch menu listed on the website. Upon arrival, we learned that the website contains food from last week (there was no date for the days, so it was not possible to know). So we chose from what was. Hamburger served in a purchased durable bun with a burnt side dish and spaghetti bolognese sprinkled with eidam, it is quite a strong caliber. With some spaghetti, one would get over it (they weren't so bad in taste) if one didn't use the name of the dish, which has little to do with the served creation. Plus I give for homemade lemonade. You will never be disappointed ...
Krisztián Dékány on Google

Too expensive for nothing
Marek Fabian on Google

Super :)
Goran Matanic on Google

Really good steaks, nicely decorated place, pleasant staff, moderate prices. Thumbs up!
Rico Suchan on Google

Good steak and nice ambient. Less choice of beers. Very friendly staff and nice terrace. Staff speaks also English.
Jim Egholm on Google

Great service and great food very decent rooms (the view is a little unfortunate, facing the roof of the building right in front) but i all, a good experience.
Bernard Costermans on Google

Good restaurant! We enjoyed our meal. Coming from a country where smoking inside is forbidden, we were happy other people waited to start smoking till everybody finished his meal. ;-)

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