Středočeské reality, spol. s r.o.

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Středočeské reality, spol. s r.o.

Address :

Lucemburská 1064, 130 00 Praha 3-Vinohrady, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +989
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha 3 Vinohrady

Lucemburská 1064, 130 00 Praha 3-Vinohrady, Czechia
Pavel Erben on Google

Alena Nadvornikova on Google

Karel Příbramský on Google

Tři měsíce po předání bytu makléřem nájemníkovi nemám předávací protokol. Velice špatně připravená nájemní smlouva. A když si postěžujete, nenapraví to, ale berou to hrozně osobně. Špatná zkusenost. Update: 4 měsíce též nic. Ani přes urgence.
Three months after the apartment is handed over by the broker to the tenant, I do not have a handover protocol. Very poorly prepared lease. And when you complain, they don't fix it, but they take it terribly personally. Bad experience. Update: 4 months also nothing. Despite urgency.
Patrick S. on Google

Mizerný přístup ze strany realitky směrem k zájemci o nemovitost. Po absolvování prohlídky bytu, jsme pana makléře museli uhánět k vyjasnění, v jaké jsme situaci. I přes sliby, že budeme kontaktování pomalu na druhý den, se nic nedělo. Nikdo se nám neozval a když jsme se snažili dotyčnému makléři dovolat, tak nebyl ani té slušnosti, aby nám zvednul telefon. Nejlepší na tom všem je, že když panu makléři O.P. zkusila zavolat kolegyně ze svého čísla, tak to najednou problém nebyl a sluchátko se podařilo zvednout. Po asi dvou týdnech od naší urgence jsme dostali odezvu, že to nevyšlo. Opravdu velice úsměvné. Rozhodně nedoporučuji!!! Ušetříte si čas i nervy...
A lousy approach on the part of a realtor towards a real estate buyer. After completing a tour of the apartment, we had to make the broker clear up the situation. Despite promises to be contacting slowly the next day, nothing happened. Nobody heard from us and when we tried to call the broker, it wasn't even decency to pick up the phone. The best part about all this is that when Mr. O.P. she tried to call a colleague from her number, so it wasn't a problem at all and the handset was lifted. After about two weeks of our urgency, we got a response that didn't work out. Really very funny. Definitely not recommend !!! Save time and nerves ...
Jindřich Mikeška on Google

Byl jsem klientem pana Mattanelliho který řešil prodej mého bytu v Praze 9. Prodej se mírně zkomplikoval z důvodu prodeje bytu kupující. Tímto bych chtěl panu Mattanellimu poděkovat za prodej obou bytů, za jeho profesionální a osobní přístup a výbornou komunikaci. Pan Mattanelli má rozsáhlé zkušenosti s prodejem realit. Jindřich Mikeška
I was a client of Mr. Mattanelli who dealt with the sale of my apartment in Prague 9. The sale was slightly complicated due to the sale of the apartment to the buyer. I would like to thank Mr. Mattanelli for the sale of both apartments, for his professional and personal approach and excellent communication. Mr. Mattanelli has extensive experience selling real estate. Jindřich Mikeška
Pavel Hofman on Google

Nevím, jak je to s jinými makléři ze Středočeské reality, ale s panem Mattanellim jsem byl spokojen, i když jsme z koupě bytu nakonec vycouvali. Podklady měl připravené, o co jsme ho požádali, to obratem dodal a dal nám prostor se rozhodnout. Právě v porovnání s jinými makléři, se kterými jsem se setkal, přístup pana Mattanelliho hodnotím velmi kladně.
I don't know what it is like with other brokers from Central Bohemian Reality, but I was satisfied with Mr. Mattanelli, even though we finally backed out of buying an apartment. He had the documents ready, what we asked him for, he immediately added and gave us space to decide. It is in comparison with other brokers I have met that I assess Mr Mattanelli's approach very positively.
Romana Pilařová on Google

Velice děkuji realitní kanceláři, jmenovitě panu Kubešovi za profesionální a lidský přístup při sjednání pronájmu. Vse bylo jasné, včasné a ve snaze vyhovět oběma zúčastněným stranám. Jedná s lidmi s osobním přístupem a se všemi připomínkami vždy pomohl!
Many thanks to the real estate agency, namely Mr. Kubeš for his professional and human approach in arranging the lease. Everything was clear, timely and in an effort to satisfy both parties. Dealing with people with a personal touch and always helping with all your comments!
Piotr Markielau on Google

I am not a citizen of Czech Republic and I don't speak Czech, and the agent was aware of that. Upon signing the lease agreement, I was explicitly told that we don't have any additional payments through the year, and all maintenance of the apartment (except for small things like light bulbs etc) is provided by the landlord. However, a few weeks ago the landlord asked us to pay for boiler maintenance. I was very surprised. It appeared that a point about boiler maintenance is indeed in the agreement (which I did not read). We paid 2415 CZK for the maintenance a few days ago. I was very angry and dissatisfied about it. We have been living in the apartment for less than 3 months! I wrote to the agent already with a proposal to settle the situation by paying a half of that price just for the first year. Then, all subsequent boiler maintenance charges are on us. I consider it a fair fine for trying to hide information that could affect my decision to rent the apartment. They made $800 on me after all. Didn't get any response from them.

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