Studna V Podhradí

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Studna V Podhradí

Address :

396 01 Humpolec, Czechia

Categories :
City : Humpolec

396 01 Humpolec, Czechia
Marie Satrapová on Google

Super naučná stezka, doporučuji projít celý okruh ??
Super nature trail, I recommend going through the whole circle ??
Rodina Skřivanson on Google

Obdivuji nadšení místních při obnově studny.
I admire the enthusiasm of the locals to restore the well.
Pavel on Google

Studna, stojí za návštěvu akorát v rámci návštěvy hradu Orlík.. je to totiž po cestě.
Well, it is worth visiting just in the visit of the castle Orlík .. it is on the way.
Lempl Ondřej on Google

Studna je kruhová,o průměru 2,2 m a roubená kamenem.Její současná hloubka je 19 m.Původní hloubky studny a pramenů se dnes již těžko dopátráme.Studna v minulém století byla okolním obyvatelstvem zavážena odpadem.Započetí čištění se dočkala v roce 1941 v době vykopávkových prací na hradě Orlíku.Studna byla v té době vyčištěna do hloubky 17 m.Nález mrtvého muže dal však popud k ukončení dalších prací.(Vrah se prý sám přiznal až na smrtelné posteli).Dle ústního sdělení pracujících dělníků byly v dané hloubce nalezeny počátky podzemní chodby spojující studnu s hradem.Tato informace však nebyla potvrzena.
The well is round, with a diameter of 2.2 m and timbered with stone. Its current depth is 19 m. The original depths of the well and springs are now difficult to find. The cold in the last century was loaded with waste by the surrounding population. excavation work at Orlík Castle. The well was cleaned to a depth of 17 m at that time. However, the finding of a dead man gave the impetus to complete further work. (The killer allegedly confessed to his deathbed). the beginnings of an underground passage connecting the well with the castle. However, this information has not been confirmed.
Marie Svobodová on Google

Nádherný les. Nedaleká zřícenina díky péči skupinky nadšenců dostává svoje nové kouzlo. Doporučuji navštívit.
Beautiful forest. The nearby ruin, thanks to the care of a group of enthusiasts, gets its new charm. I recommend to visit.
Bondik 007 on Google

Krásně a citlivě zrekonstruovaná hradní studna ( např. trámy spojovány pouze dřevěnými "kolíky"... ) je první zastavení na cestě ku hradu Orlíku od parkoviště na Rozkoši. Samozřejmostí je informační tabule.
The beautifully and sensitively reconstructed castle well (eg beams connected only by wooden "pins" ...) is the first stop on the way to Orlik Castle from the car park at Rozkos. Of course there is an information board.
Roman Toman on Google

Studna která donedávna byla obklopena hustým lesem je teď na mýtine... Je to hrůza... Sice je to pořád krásně místo. Ale už ne tak kouzelné a romantické... Studna je 2.1 m v průměru současná hloubka je 21m. Nové byla studna vycistena. Dříve byla zahazena a zakryta trámy. Jinak jak vidíte podle fotek místo je už otřesné doufám že v blízké době vysazi nové stromy a bude to zase místo jak z pohádky. The well that until recently was surrounded by dense forest is now in the clearing ... It's horrible ... It's still a beautiful place. But not so magical and romantic ... The well is 2.1 m in diameter, the current depth is 21 m. The new well was cleaned. It used to be thrown away and covered with beams. Otherwise, as you can see from the photos, the place is already appalling, I hope that in the near future they will plant new trees and it will be a place like a fairy tale.
The well that until recently was surrounded by dense forest is now in the clearing ... It's horrible ... It's still a beautiful place. But not so magical and romantic ... The well is 2.1 m in diameter, the current depth is 21 m. The new well was cleaned. It used to be thrown away and covered with beams. Otherwise, as you can see from the photos, the place is already appalling, I hope that in the near future they will plant new trees and it will be a place like a fairy tale. The well that until recently was surrounded by dense forest is now in the clearing ... It's horrible ... It's still a beautiful place. But not so magical and romantic ... The well is 2.1 m in diameter, the current depth is 21 m. The new well was cleaned. It used to be thrown away and covered with beams. Otherwise, as you can see from the photos, the place is already appalling, I hope that in the near future they will plant new trees and it will be a place like a fairy tale.
jiri Behal on Google


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