Supermanž - Hodinový manžel Brno

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Supermanž - Hodinový manžel Brno

Address :

Neužilova 686/4, 625 00 Bohunice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +798
Website :
Categories :
City : Bohunice

Neužilova 686/4, 625 00 Bohunice, Czechia
Radek Krejčiřík on Google

Používáme Supermanžela pravidelně pro naše požadavky v kancelářích a na údržbářské práce. Poslední a nejsložitější zakázkou byla instalace podsvětleného loga naší společnosti do našich kanceláří. Supermanžel si s tím poradil na 1 s hvězdou a v rámci domluveného rozpočtu. To vše v krátkém čase od objednávky. Děkujeme za profesionální přistup a opět využijeme v budoucnu!
We use Superman husband regularly for our requirements in offices and for maintenance work. The last and most complex order was the installation of an illuminated logo of our company in our offices. The superman husband dealt with it with 1 star and within the agreed budget. All this in a short time from the order. Thank you for your professional approach and we will use it again in the future!
Alžběta Franková on Google

díky za velkou ochotu a moc dobrou domluvu. pan Kolář nám nainstaloval nový sprchový kout a sám od sebe pomohl s různými drobnými vychytávkami. až bude zas příště potřeba neco podobného vyřešit, zase se mu rádi ozveme.
thanks for the great willingness and very good deal. Mr. Kolář installed a new shower for us and helped himself with various small gadgets. The next time we need to solve something similar, we will be happy to contact him again.
Sasa 31 on Google

S prací pana Koláře jsem spokojena, je spolehlivý, šikovný a všestranně zaměřen, pro mně řešil montáž nábytku a výměnu kuchyňské desky vč. vyzvednutí a dovozu desky, co mi hodně pomohlo. Vše proběhlo v pořádku, ceny jsou myslím taky rozumné. Taky oceňuji, že umí poradit, co např.dokoupit, jaké materiály doporučuje atd., to je pro mně osobně velmi přínosné. Určitě ho ráda oslovím zas.
I am satisfied with the work of Mr. Kolář, he is reliable, handy and versatile, for me he solved the assembly of furniture and the replacement of the kitchen board, incl. picking up and importing the board, which helped me a lot. Everything went well, I think the prices are also reasonable. I also appreciate that he can advise what to buy, what materials he recommends, etc., which is very beneficial for me personally. I'm sure I'd love to address him again.
Petr Majer on Google

Zadání: Stavba dřevěného plotu profesionální a rychlé provedení, férové jednání, určitě sám rád znovu využiji i v budoucnu a ostatním mohu jen doporučit
Assignment: Construction of a wooden fence professional and fast execution, fair dealing, I will definitely like to use it again in the future and I can only recommend it to others
Veronika Honig on Google

Pokiaľ hľadáte superhrdinov, ktorí u Vás doma odvedú skvelú prácu všeho druhu, tak sa určite musíte obrátiť na pána Pavla Kolářa a jeho kolegu. Domluva bola veľmi fajn a celá realizácia šla veľmi ľahko a bezproblémovo. To je presne to, čo očakávate! Superhrdinovia dorazili načas a priniesli so sebou vlastné náradie, zaistili potrebné pomocky k rekonštrukcii a my sme sa tak o nič nemuseli starať. Rekonštrukcia popraskaného stropu, posun zásuviek vrámci miestnosti i vŕtanie a posun elektriny do miestnosti vedľajšej. Navŕtanie poličiek a inštalácia obrazov. Bolo toho nemálo a so všetkým si hravo a s úsmevom poradili, zaistili po sebe úklid. Bol isme nadšení a vrelo doporučujeme i ďalším zákazníkom! Je skvelé, že superľudia sú nielen na plátne :-D Prajeme nech sa len radí!
If you are looking for superheroes who will do great work of all kinds at your home, you must definitely turn to Mr. Pavel Kolář and his colleague. The agreement was very nice and the whole implementation went very easily and without problems. This is exactly what you expect! The superheroes arrived on time and brought their own tools, provided the necessary tools for reconstruction and we did not have to worry about anything. Reconstruction of a cracked ceiling, shifting of drawers within the room as well as drilling and shifting of electricity into the adjoining room. Shelf drilling and image installation. There was a lot of it and they dealt with everything playfully and with a smile, they ensured cleaning after themselves. We were excited and highly recommended to other customers! It's great that superpeople are not only on the screen :-D We wish they could just advise!
Somsuvro Basu on Google

We highly recommend - Professional - Friendly behaviour - Speaks perfect English - Very efficient
Sushil Singh on Google

Pavel is helped in fixing many small things pending from long time. He is very efficient in work and a great professional. I am fully satisfied from his work and recommend to try his services. Thank you!!
Iosub Marilena on Google

I highly recommend Pavel. He is professional, polite and did a great job. We had a very easy communication via e-mail, he even brought the materials I needed for the work. He arrived on time and did an amazing work. Will definitely choose his services anytime.

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