
4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

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Františka Diviše 386, 104 00 Praha 22-Uhříněves, Czechia

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City : Praha Uhříněves

Františka Diviše 386, 104 00 Praha 22-Uhříněves, Czechia
Olina Frejlach on Google

Nechala jsem si zkusit poloprázdný být po nájemníci. Na 3 hodiny za skoro 1300 Kč. Řekla jsem si, tak to bude perfektní. Paní přišla o 2 hodiny pozdě. Nebudou jsme ji v bytě uklízet. Byt byl v opravdu strašném stavu po návratu. Umyta okna ano, aloe šmouhy na podlaze, špína všude, neumyta koupelna, šmouhy na zrcadle, ani nesáhla na balkon. Při reklamaci jsme čekali více než měsíc na odpověď že Supersoused. Pak nám po tom co jsme poslali fotky, odpověděli, že to vlastně není jejich věc a že nám nabízí voucher na 192 Kč, který můžeme u nich utratit. Tak asi tak. Již nikdy více.
I let myself try half-empty to be after tenants. For 3 hours for almost 1300 CZK. I thought so, it would be perfect. The lady came 2 hours late. We won't clean her up in the apartment. The apartment was in a really terrible state after returning. Washed windows yes, aloe smudges on the floor, dirt everywhere, washed the bathroom, smudges on the mirror, did not even touch the balcony. In the complaint we waited more than a month for the answer that Supersoused. Then, after sending us the photos, they answered that it wasn't their business and that they offered us a voucher for 192 CZK, which we could spend with them. I guess so. Never again.
Alli Š on Google

Se Super sousedem byla perfektní komunikace. Odepsal na zprávu, hned jsem se domluvili a dorazil následující den. Vřele doporučuji, pokud potřebujete pomoc s něčím, co sami nezvládnete. V Praze k nezaplacení. Děkuji!
There was perfect communication with the Super Neighbor. He wrote back the message, we agreed immediately and arrived the next day. Highly recommended if you need help with something you can't handle yourself. In Prague, priceless. Thank you!
Tomáš Procházka on Google

!!! Službu nikomu nedoporučuji !!! Přestože jsem byl objednavatelem služby a peníze dal tedy ke společnosti pouze do úschovy, byla mi z nich odečtena marže 15% přestože zakázka nikdy nebyla provedena. Zaplatil jsem tedy téměř 400Kč za doslova NIC. Zákaznická podpora zcela arogantní - prý by mi rádi moje peníze vrátili ale nejde to v systému. Když jsem se dožadoval eskalace na manažera tak mi bylo řečeno že není kam - manažerkou je tam paní na frontdesku.
!!! I do not recommend the service to anyone !!! Although I was the customer of the service and therefore only gave the money to the company for safekeeping, a 15% margin was deducted from them, even though the order was never executed. So I paid almost 400 CZK for literally NOTHING. Customer support completely arrogant - they would like to return my money, but it does not work in the system. When I demanded an escalation to the manager, I was told that there was nowhere - the manager is the lady on the front desk.
Kristina Gybasova on Google

Jenoznacne NEdoporucuji. Ma prvni zakazka pres portal a hned nocni mura. Kvuli nekvalitne provedene montazi nabytku na stenu (nevhodny kotevni material vybrany remeslnikem) se TV stolek utrhl a zritil k zemi, pricem doslo ke zniceni TV a poskozeni parketove podlahy, skoda ve vysi pres 38 000 Kc. Portal SuperSoused sice pomohl s reklamaci a remeslnik zakazku opravil, nicmene od reseni pojistne udalosti dava SuperSoused ruce pryc. Takze pul roku pote mam stale rozbitou TV a podlahu a remeslnik nereaguje, prestoze na portalu SuperSoused je stale aktivni. Remeslnika jsem vybirala ciste na zaklade recenzi a faktu, ze inzeroval, ze ma pojisteni. Prestoze jsem zakazku reklamovala a informovala portal SuperSoused o nevyresene pojistne udalosti, hodnoceni remeslnika na portale stale zobrazovalo 0 reklamaci (po urgenci opraveno). Pokud pres portal SuperSoused pujdete a nastanou komplikace, pozor na nasledujici: - v zadnem pripade se nenechte natlacit do potvrzeni zakazky v systemu, protoze tim padem prestava jakakoliv iniciativa ze strany SuperSoused vec resit. Jejich komunikace je v tomto ohledu velmi zavadejici. - nulovy pocet reklamaci v hodnoceni remeslnika vubec nemusi odpovidat realite, ale nemate si to jak overit - nenulova hodnota Reklamace u hodnoceni remeslnika nezobrazuje, zda byla reklamace vyresena, ci zda stale bezi, coz mi prijde pri vyberu remeslnika dost zasadni - remeslnik muze i nadale fungovat na portalu SuperSoused i kdyz je s nim veden spor - to rovnez nikde zjistit nelze - ze remeslnik inzeruje, ze je pojisten, vubec nemusi znamenat, ze je pojisten na cinnost, kterou u vas bude vykonavat Velka skoda, jekoz format ma potencial.
I definitely do NOT recommend. It has its first order through the portal and the night wall. Due to poor installation of the furniture on the wall (unsuitable anchoring material selected by the craftsman), the TV table tore off and fell to the ground, destroying the TV and damaging the parquet floor, a damage of over CZK 38,000. Although the SuperSoused portal helped with the complaint and the craftsman repaired the order, however, SuperSoused has given his hands away since resolving the insurance claim. So half a year later I still have a broken TV and floor and the craftsman doesn't respond, even though he is still active on the SuperSoused portal. I chose a craftsman purely based on a review and the fact that he advertised that he was insured. Although I complained about the order and informed the SuperSoused portal about unresolved insurance events, the craftsman's rating on the portal still showed 0 complaints (corrected after urgency). If you go through the SuperSoused portal and complications occur, pay attention to the following: - under no circumstances be pushed into the order confirmation in the system, because in this case any initiative by SuperSoused will stop the matter. Their communication is very misleading in this respect. - zero number of complaints in the evaluation of the craftsman may not correspond to reality at all, but you have no way to verify it - non-zero value Complaint in the evaluation of the craftsman does not show whether the complaint has been resolved, or whether it is still running, which I find quite crucial when choosing a craftsman - the craftsman can still work on the SuperSoused portal even if there is a dispute with him - it is also impossible to find out anywhere - that the craftsman advertises that he is insured, does not necessarily mean that he is insured for the activity that he will perform for you Too bad, as the format has potential.
Mirek Trávníček on Google

Naprosto nedoporucuji. Slozity system zadavani prace. S nami vybranym "sousedem" dohodnut a potvrzen termin (den predem), neprijel, neomluvil se, telefon vypnuty. Dali jsme druhou sanci, vse domluveno na urcity cas, opet neprijel, nereagoval, dorazil o hodinu a pul pozdeji, kdyz jsme odjizdeli z bytu pryc. Zalezitost jsem pres web opakovane reklamoval, za Supersousedy nereagoval a neresil nikdo. Telefony nezvedaji, stale jen vyzvani. Na emaily nereaguji, naprosty nezajem. Pozadal jsem o vraceni zalohy u objednavky ucinene na dalku (do 14 dni odstoupeni od sml.), reakce nula..., takze tak.
I absolutely do not recommend. Complex system of job assignments. With the selected "neighbor" agreed and confirmed deadline (the day before), did not arrive, did not apologize, the phone turned off. We gave a second chance, everything agreed at a certain time, did not come again, did not react, arrived an hour and a half later, when we left the apartment away. I repeatedly complained about the issue via the web, no one responded for the Super Neighbors and no one solved it. They don't pick up the phones, they're still called. I do not respond to emails, I am not at all interested. I requested a refund of the deposit for the order made at a distance (within 14 days of withdrawal from the contract), reaction zero ..., so so.
Aid on Google

Využila jsem zatím jen jednou, ale zatím musím říct, že skvělá služba. Vše šlo v pohodě, zadání zakázky i placení. Pán, který mi stěhoval věci, byl moc fajn ochotný, profesionální člověk.
I've only used it once, but so far I have to say it's a great service. Everything went well, placing the order and paying. The gentleman who moved my things was a very helpful, professional man.
Ondřej O on Google

Po uveřejnění práce, kterou chcete udělat, dostanete nabídky od řemeslníků v okolí. Můžete tak vybírat nejlepší poměr cena výkon. Bydlím v Praze a asi i proto (velké město) bylo nabídek hodně. Během mé zakázky proběhlo vše v pořádku. Od zadání, přes výběr řemeslníka a komunikaci s ním, až po samotnou práci. V případě, že bych potřeboval udělat něco dalšího, bych využil pravděpodobně tu samou službu.
After publishing the work you want to do, you will receive offers from artisans in the area. So you can choose the best price-performance ratio. I live in Prague and probably that's why (the big city) there were a lot of offers. Everything went well during my job. From the assignment, through the selection of the craftsman and communication with him, to the work itself. In case I need to do something else, I would probably use the same service.
Veronica Sulla on Google

Byla jsem okradena o 11.400 CZK panem, který je registrovany na portálu pod jménem Marek G. Původně jsme byly domluvené pres portal na vymalováni bytu. Uhradila jsem 4.000 CZK podle pravidel portalu. Když jsme se setkaly osobne v mem byte, jsme se domluvili, ze ja 4.000 CZK uvolnim předem na účet pana Mirka G. pro nakup materiálu a následně mu zaplatím i za práci. Zarizovala jsem byt sama, v časové tísni pro syna a babičku, které přisli s Ukrajiny. Na peníze se zahraničí jsem musela počkat dva dny. Takze jsem laskavě požádala pana Mirka G., zda mi za tech 3.4000 CZK zakoupí barvy, které jsme vybraly spolu a zda muže pomoci i s nákupem a montáži nábytku od XXXLutz, kde dodaci a montážní lhůty jsou dlouhe, do dvou týdnu. Dala jsem pánovi Mirku G. posledních 8.000 CZK v hotovosti jako zálohu a on mi nabídl, ze doplatí zbývajících 14.000 CZK v obchode pri nákupu nábytku, které ja mu následně vrátím, spolu s odměnou za odvedené práce. Dala jsem mu do ruky i kupní smlouvy. Nic jsme nepodelsaly, řešilo se to lidsky, a vidim jak lidi v Čechách pomáhají uprchlíkům s Ukrajiny, jen jak to jde. Nenapadlo mne, ze mluvim se zlodějem. Pan Mirek G. mi řekl, ze rad pomůže, ze bezne nakupuje nabytek pro lidi a ze muzu na nej spolehnout. Zavolal kamarádovi pro transport a pomoc v me přítomnosti. Komunikoval se mnou pres WhatsApp. Dale jsem již nemela od nej žádnou správu. Kdyz jsem mu psala, jestli je v pořádku, odpovědel, ze ano. Kdyz jsem se zeptala, zda vyzvedl nabytek, již neodepsal. Kdyz jsem ho požadala o vraceni 11.400 CZK (minus provize portalu), napadl mne, ze nic ode mne nedostal a obvinil mne, ze ho otravuji a chci po nem peníze! Jeste jsem nepotkala v životě člověka, ktery by umel nejen zneužít zenu ve složité situaci, ale lhát takovym způsobem. Portal sice uvádí, ze ma "ověřené" kutily, ale není žádná záruka, ze lidi, které si najdou pomoc tímto způsobem, nenarazi na zloděje. Kdyz se to Vám stane, tak nemůžete po "dobrem sousedovi" nic chtít a nemate žádnou záštitu.
I was robbed of 11,400 CZK by a man who is registered on the portal under the name Marek G. We were originally arranged through the portal to paint the apartment. I paid 4,000 CZK according to the rules of the portal. When we met in person at my apartment, we agreed that I would release CZK 4,000 in advance to Mr. Mirek G.'s account for the purchase of materials and then pay him for the work. I arranged the apartment myself, in a time crunch for my son and grandmother, who came with Ukraine. I had to wait two days for money abroad. So I kindly asked Mr. Mirek G. to buy me the colors we chose together for the price of 3.4000 CZK and whether he can help with the purchase and assembly of furniture from XXXLutz, where delivery and assembly times are long, within two weeks. I gave Mr. Mirka G. the last 8,000 CZK in cash as a deposit and he offered to pay me the remaining 14,000 CZK in the store when I bought the furniture, which I would then return to him, together with the reward for the work done. I also gave him the purchase agreement. We did not give anything, it was solved humanely, and I see people in the Czech Republic helping refugees from Ukraine, just as it goes. It never occurred to me that I was talking to a thief. Mr. Mirek G. told me that he would be happy to help, that he normally bought furniture for people and that I could rely on it. He called a friend for transport and help in my presence. He communicated with me through WhatsApp. Furthermore, I no longer had a message from her. When I wrote him if he was okay, he said yes. When I asked if he picked up the furniture, he didn't write it down. When I asked him to return 11,400 CZK (minus the commission of the portal), he attacked me for not getting anything from me and accused me of bothering him and wanting money for him! I have never met a man in my life who could not only abuse a woman in a difficult situation, but lie in such a way. The portal states that I have "verified" do-it-yourselfers, but there is no guarantee that people who find help in this way will not come across thieves. When this happens to you, you can't want anything from a "good neighbor" and you have no protection.

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