Supreme State Prosecutor's Office

3.8/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Supreme State Prosecutor's Office

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Jezuitská 585/4, 660 55 Brno-střed, Czechia

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City : Brno střed

Jezuitská 585/4, 660 55 Brno-střed, Czechia
Vojta Petr on Google

skitlsak cz on Google

Martin Ulman on Google

Praktiky z rise zvirat. Ja se domnivam, ze Pavel za 10 let cinnosti nacpal do soustavy velke mnozstvi lidi s lehcim psychologickym zvirecim odlisenim pod meritelnym normalem a takovym zpusobem si predstavuje emancipaci spolecnosti. Cist uredni zpravu je jako jist zvratek, neda se to vubec rozumnym zpusobem zpracovat. A pokud jsou me odhady spravne, tak za tech 10 let je v cele soustave obrovske mnozstvi takovych osob. Odchylka se casto projevuje sekundarne, jako horsi schopnost prijmout chybu a pretezovani statni pokladny na reseni vlastnich pochybeni. Klidne 7 let obtezovani poskozeneho a v konecnem dusledku vytvareni obrovskeho mnozstvi precinu a betonovani urednich zaznamu vrstva po vrstve, jen aby nebylo videt, ze se chybovalo. Betonuji tak dlouho, dokud poskozeneho nezabetonuji. Chybi sebereflex. Samotne uredni zpravy jsou s obtezujicim podtextem. Po zalozeni soudniho sporu, zavazne napadaji ucastnika. Rikam, uredni zpravy se nedaji analyticky cist a ja uz neumim byt jiny nez invektivni. Dekuji Pavle, ze jste odstoupil.
Practices of rise animals. I believe that in 10 years of activity, Pavel has crammed into the system a large number of people with a slight psychological animal difference below a measurable normal and in this way imagines the emancipation of society. A clean message is like a vomit, it cannot be processed in a reasonable way. And if my estimates are correct, then in those 10 years there is a huge number of such people in the whole system. The deviation often manifests itself secondarily, as a worse ability to accept the mistake and overload the treasury to solve their own mistakes. Quietly 7 years of harassing a damaged and ultimately resulting in the formation of a huge amount of precin and concreting of certain records layer by layer, just so that it is not visible that mistakes were made. I concrete until I concrete the damaged one. Self-reflection is missing. The news reports themselves have an annoying subtext. After the establishment of a legal dispute, they legally challenge the participant. I say, official reports are not analytically clean and I can no longer be other than invective. Thank you Paul for resigning.
Filipovo alter ego on Google

Vazeny pane Zemane, namisto toho, abyste kontroloval a ridil, zabyvate se radovou cinnosti pravnika na urovni operatora. Splyva vam pravni terminologie s realitou, soustavne hovorite neco o skutkove realite, v kazde druhe vete, jako byste zil v jinem svete. V posledni dobe jste se rozhodl postihnout vsech 10 milionu obcanu teto zeme. Tim mate na mysli i male deti i nemohouci? Z meho pohledu svou cinnost vykonavate stylem obchodniho cestujiciho, obchodujete se svym postem a nazorove prebihate ze strany na stranu. Domnivam se, ze nejste nekompetentni k vykonu sve funkce. Ke sve pozici jste se dostal az moc snadno a preskocil jste mnoho svych kolegu. Patrne proto jste stejny postup uprednostil pri povysovani svych podrizenych. Vase cinnost je zatizena velkym mnozstvym pochybeni.
Dear Mr. Zeman, instead of controlling and driving, you are engaged in the rank of lawyer at the operator level. You blend legal terminology with reality, you constantly say something about factual reality, in every second sentence, as if you were living in another world. You have recently decided to affect all 10 million citizens of this country. Do you mean even small children and the disabled? From my point of view, you do your business in the style of a business traveler, you trade your post and you run from side to side in perspective. I don't think you're incompetent to do your job. You got to your position very easily and you skipped many of your colleagues. Probably that is why you preferred the same procedure when promoting your subordinates. Your activity is burdened with a large number of mistakes.

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