Švihlý krám- Rodinný pivovar Švihov

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Švihlý krám- Rodinný pivovar Švihov

Address :

Korunní 76, 101 00 Vinohrady, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8787
Website : https://www.pivovarsvihov.cz/
Categories :
City : Vinohrady

Korunní 76, 101 00 Vinohrady, Czechia
Jan Navrátil on Google

Ondrej Vlk on Google

dobry vyber piv a fajn obsluha
good selection of beers and good service
Jana L. on Google

Velmi chutné pivo, doporučuji ochutnat. Objednáno několik piv na e-shopu, osobně vyzvednuto. Lze ale zakoupit i na místě (piva připravena v lednici). Moc milá obsluha, prodejna příjemná, dobrá lokalita.
Very tasty beer, I recommend tasting. Ordered several beers on the e-shop, picked up in person. However, it can also be purchased on site (beers prepared in the fridge). Very nice staff, nice shop, good location.
Hana Tosovska on Google

Byly jsme zde krátce po otevření a určitě se vrátíme. Měly jsme štěstí, že jsme narazily na majitele, který byl velmi milý a ochotný nám o pivech něco říci. Zkusily jsme Švihov a Švihadlo, oboje výborné, pokud dáváte přednost hořčejším pivům. To ale od těchto piv očekávám, takže se těším na další ochutnávku :) Další návštěva byla opět příjemná, tentokrát jsme ochutnaly Grep - výborné, osvěžující, je trochu sladší, takže mi připomíná radlery. Určitě si dám zase :) V nabídce jsou už i točená piva a lze zde zakoupit sklo, džbánek nebo kelímky.
We were here shortly after opening and we will definitely be back. We were lucky to come across an owner who was very nice and willing to tell us something about beers. We tried Švihov and Švihadlo, both excellent if you prefer bitter beers. But I expect that from these beers, so I'm looking forward to the next tasting :) The next visit was nice again, this time we tasted Grep - excellent, refreshing, it's a little sweeter, so it reminds me of radlers. I will definitely have it again :) Draft beers are already on offer and you can buy a glass, mug or cups here.
Aleš Bořík on Google

Dnes první návštěva a hned ochutnávka několika druhů piv belgického a holandského typu ze Švihovského pivovaru. Velice příjemná obsluha a k dispozici mají i výčep. :) Ve chlaďáku jsou piva v plastu i ve skle na odnesení s sebou. Takže dneska první piva k obědu a uvidíme co bude dalšího dobrého ;)
Today, the first visit and immediately tasting of several types of Belgian and Dutch beers from the Švihov brewery. Very pleasant service and they also have a bar. :) In the refrigerator, beers are in plastic and in glass to be taken with you. So today the first beer for lunch and we'll see what happens next;)
M Kraft on Google

Served me flat beer in a 0.3 l plastic cup (NOT the resuseable kind) for 90 kc because I made the mistake of telling the women there I was back from Ibiza. I guess they thought I was a dumb tourist? (I live in Prague). When I asked why it was so expensive, the woman serving me told me the price was good if I compare it to Ibiza ? Anyway, I suppose their reputation is worth the 50 crown up-charge. If you're an English speaker, stay away, they will rip you off!
Patrycja Gawlak on Google

Excellent beer and very friendly staff! They have a good choice of different types of beers, IPAs and also fruity beers. Highly recommend this place!
Eva Trubac on Google

The best brewery in Vinohrady - try the grapefruit beer, IPA and Trippel ?❤️? so happy I found this shop ... you can also buy a refundable plastic or steel cup ?♻️

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