Svoboda nad Úpou - Svoboda nad Úpou

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Svoboda nad Úpou

Address :

542 24

Postal code : 542
Categories :
City : Svoboda nad Úpou

542 24
Marcela Pustějovská on Google

Piotr Weber on Google

Miroslav Čadílek on Google

Zajímavé Krkonošské městečko
Interesting Krkonose town
Vojtěch Vymětal on Google

Na přestup dobrý, velkou výhodou je krytá čekárna.
For transfer good, big advantage is covered waiting room.
Paweł M. on Google

Nowoczesny przystanek, z zamykaną poczekalnią, tablicą świetlną z odjazdami. Wszystko oczywiście przy wsparciu funduszy unijnych. Szynobus do Trutnov'a odjeżdża co godzinę i to jest dobra sprawa.
A modern stop with a lockable waiting room, a light board with departures. All of course with the support of EU funds. The bus to Trutnov leaves every hour and this is a good thing.
Eva Jordan on Google

Původní vlaková nádražní budova je již mimo provoz, lístky se tu neprodávají, WC mobilní, bez personálu. Vlakovou dopravu provozuje firma GW Train Regio, neplatí zde lístky Českých drah, zaplatíte ve vlaku průvodčí. Nástupiště je posunuto směrem k centru, hned vedle je autobusové nádraží. Historie 10,5 km dlouhé trasy z Trutnova do Svobody nad Úpou počala v roce 1871 a otevřela cestu do Krkonoš.
The original train station building is no longer in operation, tickets are not sold here, mobile toilet, no staff. The train transport is operated by the company GW Train Regio, Czech Railways tickets are not valid here, you pay at the train guide. The platform is moved towards the center, right next to the bus station. The history of the 10.5 km long route from Trutnov to Svoboda nad Úpou began in 1871 and opened the way to the Giant Mountains.
Anetta Tománková on Google

Výstava Do Krakonoša - výborná interaktívna a vzdelávacia výstava pre deti . Odporúčam ju navštíviť
Exhibition To Krakonoš - an excellent interactive and educational exhibition for children. I recommend visiting her
Kateřina Eklová on Google

Nova pristavba nadrazi je bohuzel jen exhibice architektonickeho ega: konzola nad nastupistem je uplne nelogicky obracena vzhuru, takze nemuze chranit pred destem a drzi se na ni snih. A zatim vedle chatra drive krasna puvodni budova nadrazi... Je smutne, ze se zde uprednostnila nekvalitni produkce nove budovy misto rekonstrukce stare kvality.
Unfortunately, the new addition to the station is only an exhibition of the architectural ego: the console above the boarder is completely illogically facing upwards, so it cannot protect itself from rain and clings to it. And so far, next to the cottage drive, the beautiful original building has a railway station ... It is sad that the low-quality production of the new building was preferred here instead of the reconstruction of old quality.

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