Taxi Málek

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Taxi Málek

Address :

Poděbradovo nám., 539 01 Hlinsko, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7777779
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Categories :
City : Hlinsko

Poděbradovo nám., 539 01 Hlinsko, Czechia
FitAja on Google

Taxi Málek doporučuji, spolehlivost, čistota, dobré ceny a příjemní řidiči.
I recommend Malek Taxi, reliability, cleanliness, good prices and friendly drivers.
Rétor centrum s.r.o. on Google

Tato taxi služba je nejlepší v okolí. Velice milí řidiči a pěkná, čistá auta. Mohu jedině doporučit!
This taxi service is the best around. Very nice drivers and nice, clean cars. I can only recommend!
Marta Wittmann on Google

Kdo zazil dobre zkusenosti s touto taxisluzbou, tomu gratuluji. Mel stesti. Prijela jsem z daleka, nahlasila svuj prijezd par dni dopredu. Kdykoliv jsem zavolala, mluvila jsem s nekym jinym. Na nadrazi jsem po nekolika hodinach cestovani musela stat 20 minut a cekat na taxika, ktery sidli primo v Hlinsku a ma nekolik ridicu. Pri zavolani jsem se nedovolala ridici, ktery me mel vezt. Bylo mi slibeno, ze hned prijede. Mela jsem dalsi terminy a musela jsem nutne na WC (V tom pana chvalim; zastavil mi u benziny, diky!). Cesta byla fajn, ale neprijemna v tom, ze se ridici shazuji navzajem. I po telefonu o sobe mluvi, jako bychom byli ve skolce. To je neprijemne, nezajima me to a je to velmi neprofesionalni. Dostala jsem specialni cenu (a myslela jsem si, ze neco srazil kvuli tomu zpozdeni, za ktere se neumel ani poradne omluvit!), 300 Kc do Slavikova a zpet (zpet musel stejne). Kdyz jsem cestovala o tyden pozdeji s jinou taxisluzbou, za kterou jsem rada, cesta byla prijemna, pan dorazil vcas, a cena byla (bez nejakych slev) 250!!! Samozrejme jsem dala dysko. Taxisluzbu Malek jsem se pokusila jeste parkrat vyuzit: Jednou jsem musela stornovat a to storno NEBYLO vyrizene ridici, ktery mi nastesti psal SMS, jinak by prijel zbytecne. Meli byste si v tom udelat poradek!!! Napodruhe jsem chtela vyrazit s maminkou o berlich na kraj mesta, at se podiva nekam do prirody. Ridic nas nechal stat 10 minut!!! (Mamka nevydrzi dlouho stat kvuli bolestem.) Zavolala jsem mu a pan mel jen vymluvy, ze nemohl najit me telefonni cislo (Vetsina zakazniku je z CR, ja mam cizi tel. cislo!) a ze se zpozdi dalsich 10 minut. Odrekla jsem mu a prosly jsme se zase mestem... Jsem rada, ze jsem ziskala kontakt na spolehliveho taxikare, pana Kaspara.
Congratulations to those who have had a good experience with this taxi service. Good luck. I arrived from afar, announcing my arrival a few days in advance. Whenever I called, I talked to someone else. After a few hours of traveling, I had to stand at the station for 20 minutes and wait for a taxi, which is located directly in Hlinsko and has several drivers. When calling, I did not call the driver who was to take me. I was promised he would come right away. I had more appointments and I had to go to the toilet (I praise Mr. Mr.; he stopped me at the gas station, thanks!). The road was nice, but unpleasant in that the drivers collided with each other. Even on the phone, they talk about each other as if we were in kindergarten. That's annoying, I'm not interested and it's very unprofessional. I received a special prize (and I thought that he was hit by something due to the delay, for which he could not even apologize!), 300 CZK to Slavikov and back (he had to return the same way). When I traveled a week later with another taxi service, which I like, the trip was pleasant, Mr. arrived on time, and the price was (without any discounts) 250 !!! Of course I gave the board. I tried to use the Malek taxi service a few more times: I had to cancel once and the cancellation was NOT handled by the driver, who fortunately wrote me an SMS, otherwise he would have come unnecessarily. You should make an order in that !!! The second time I wanted to go with my mother on crutches to the outskirts of the city to look somewhere in nature. The driver let us stand for 10 minutes !!! (Mom can't stand long because of the pain.) I called him and Mr. only had an excuse that he couldn't find my phone number (Most of the customer is from the Czech Republic, I have a foreign phone number!) And that he will be another 10 minutes late. I told him and we went through the city again ... I'm glad I got in touch with a reliable taxi driver, Mr. Kaspar.
Veronika Laštůvková on Google

Vždy na svém místě v domluvený čas. Bezpečná a příjemná jízda. Řidiči mají profesionální přístup.
Always in place at the agreed time. Safe and pleasant ride. Drivers have a professional approach.
Emilie Haničáková on Google

I když po každé za stejnou jízdu jiná cena tak spolehlivý na čás.
Although after each for the same ride a different price so reliable in time.
stanislav chramosta on Google

Rozumná cena, děkuji. Vše proběhlo v pořádku a přesně na čas ?
Reasonable price, thank you. Everything went well and on time ?
Jarmila Weisbauerova on Google

Vylety s CK Intertrans jsou velmi pekne, vloni jsem s kamaradkou navstivila napr.Broumovsko, bylo to skvele.Ubytovani, organizace, pani pruvodkyne, vse velmi pekne Poznala jsem krasna mista na tomto zajezdu.Doporucuji moc.Ja nyni pojedu dalsi dva jednodenni vylety s touto CK.Moc se tesim.Pani v CK je velmi ochotna a prijemna.
Trips with CK Intertrans are very nice, last year my friend and I visited, for example, Broumovsko, it was great. Accommodation, organization, lady guide, everything is very nice. I am very happy and pleasant.
Daniela Heřmánková on Google

Perfektní domluva, spolehlivý a profesionální řidič Karel.Milý, upovídaný. Cesta rychle utekla. Byli jsme moc spokojení :)
Perfect agreement, reliable and professional driver Karel. Nice, talkative. The road escaped quickly. We were very satisfied :)

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