Teplice v Čechách

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Teplice v Čechách

Address :

Nádražní nám. 599/53, 415 01 Teplice, Czechia

Categories :
City : Teplice

Nádražní nám. 599/53, 415 01 Teplice, Czechia
Daniel Janich on Google

Návštěva restaurace Plavscká,courání po Teplicích,fajn odpoledne
Visit the restaurant Plavscká, reversing around Teplice, nice afternoon
Josef Josef on Google

Když jedeme do Teplic, jsme vždy vzorně obslouženy. Děkujeme.
When we go to Teplice, we are always well served. Thank you.
Martin Wothan on Google

Nádraží, které by ohromilo vzhledem, kdyby bylo opravené. Zvenku zanedbaná katastrofa, uvnitř nepříliš kvalitně opraveno. Škoda.
A train station that would amaze the appearance if it was repaired. Outside neglected disaster, inside poorly repaired. Damage.
Jiří Vršata on Google

Zaměstnanci ČD ke mě byli vždy příjemní a snažili se pomoci. Škoda že je kolem nádraží ta verbež občas,ale stále to nemá třeba na Ústí :D. Je tu trafika, káva s občerstvením do 17h myslím.
ČD employees have always been pleasant to me and tried to help. It is a pity that there is a verse around the station occasionally, but it still does not have to be at Ústí: D. There's a tobacconist, coffee with snacks until 5pm I think.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Počátky železniční stanice se váží k roku 1856, kdy společnost Ústecko-teplické dráhy požádala rakouskou státní správu o stavbu železnice z Ústí nad Labem do Teplic. Hlavním důvodem byl nárůst těžba uhlí v regionu, zároveň tu byl i nápad přepravy lázeňských hostů do Teplic. První vlak do Teplic dorazil v roce 1858. Budova nádraží byla v té době o mnoho menší než dnes. Současný vzhled novorománské budovy je výsledkem přestavby v roce 1871, tehdy bylo nádraží často označováno za architektonický skvost Rakousko-Uherska a nemělo konkurenci dokonce ani v sousedním Německu. Budova je dílem architekta Turby, který se také podílel na plánech starého městského divadla v Teplicích. Nádražní budovy jsou chráněny jako kulturní památka. Za zmínku stojí především krásně vyzdobené stropy. The beginnings of local railway station are related to the year 1856, when the company Ústecko-teplické Railways asked the Austrian state administration for the construction of new railway from Ústí nad Labem to Teplice. The main reason for this was the increase in coal mining in the region, as well as the idea of transporting spa guests to Teplice. The first train arrived to Teplice in 1858. The station was much smaller at that time. The current appearance of the Neo-Romanesque building was the result of the rebuilding in 1871, when the station was often referred to as the architectural gem of Austria-Hungary and had no competition even in neighboring Germany. The building is the work of architect Turba, who also participated in the plans of the old theater in Teplice. The station buildings are protected as a cultural monument. It is worth mentioning the beautifully decorated ceilings.
The beginnings of the railway station date back to 1856, when the company Ústí-Teplice Railways asked the Austrian state administration to build a railway from Ústí nad Labem to Teplice. The main reason was the increase in coal mining in the region, at the same time there was the idea of ​​transporting spa guests to Teplice. The first train arrived in Teplice in 1858. The station building at that time was much smaller than today. The current appearance of the neo-Romanesque building is the result of reconstruction in 1871, when the station was often described as an architectural gem of Austria-Hungary and had no competition even in neighboring Germany. The building is the work of architect Turba, who also participated in the plans of the old town theater in Teplice. The station buildings are protected as a cultural monument. It is worth mentioning the beautifully decorated ceilings. The beginnings of local railway station are related to the year 1856, when the company Ústecko-teplické Railways asked the Austrian state administration for the construction of new railway from Ústí nad Labem to Teplice. The main reason for this was the increase in coal mining in the region, as well as the idea of ​​transporting spa guests to Teplice. The first train arrived to Teplice in 1858. The station was much smaller at that time. The current appearance of the Neo-Romanesque building was the result of the rebuilding in 1871, when the station was often referred to as the architectural gem of Austria-Hungary and had no competition even in Germany. The building is the work of architect Turba, who also participated in the plans of the old theater in Teplice. The station buildings are protected as a cultural monument. It is worth mentioning the beautifully decorated ceilings.
Vašek Kozelka on Google

Přijel jsem na nádraží, budova se za padesát let nezměnila. Je pořád příšerná. Ale vlak vás tam doveze, zastaví a v Teplicích je potom dost zajímavých míst.
I arrived at the station, the building has not changed in fifty years. She's still awful. But the train will take you there, stop there and there are plenty of interesting places in Teplice.
Erik Stanek on Google

František Neuvedeno on Google


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