The District Court in Klatovy

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact The District Court in Klatovy

Address :

Dukelská 138, 339 01 Klatovy, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77898
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 7–11:30AM
Tuesday 7AM–3:30PM
Wednesday 7–11:30AM
Thursday 7AM–2:30PM
Friday 7AM–2:30PM
Saturday Closed
Categories :
City : Klatovy

Dukelská 138, 339 01 Klatovy, Czechia
Karel Ševčík on Google

Místo dobré, podle toho co zde očekáváte za výsledek
Location good, depending on what you expect for the result
Hixperient T.HROMAS on Google

Tyhle instituce a osoby v něm pracující a představující spravedlnost je něco tragického!! ? Chce se mi zvracet i když už nemám co ?
These institutions and the people working in it and representing justice is something tragic !! ? I want to vomit even though I have nothing ?
Jiří Škývara on Google

Jak již bylo řečeno, lepší se je vyhnout, ale jelikož zde úspěšně rozvedli mého syna, kterému spadl obrovský balvan (v podobě jeho ex?) ze srdce, tak za mě dávám deset hvězd z pěti ???
As already mentioned, it is better to avoid them, but since they have successfully divorced my son, who has fallen from a huge boulder (in the form of his ex?) from the heart, I give me ten stars out of five ???
Pavel Kollar on Google

Tady pravda a láska nikdy nezvítězí...tragedie tento institud
Here, truth and love will never win ... the tragedy of this institution
Jiri Dmytrak on Google

Toto místo znám 60 let a zažil různé přeměny parku před soudem, příjemne a i čiste. Jen se na lavičce schází nepřizpůsibiví občané a je tam někdy hlučno. Škoda
I have known this place for 60 years and experienced various transformations of the park in court, pleasant and clean. Only the unattractive citizens meet on the bench and it is sometimes noisy. Damage
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Monumentální třípodlažní budova, v níž působí i okresní soud a státní zastupitelství, začala být stavěna podle projektu architekta Bedřicha Bendelmayera na místě původního mlýna v roce 1924. Slavnostní otevření proběhlo 1. června 1928. Původně tu byla i věznice s kaplí, která byla spojena podzemní chodbou s hlavní porotní síní v přízemí soudu. The monumental three-storey building, which also houses the District Court and the Public Prosecutor's Office, began to be built according to a design by architect Bedřich Bendelmayer on the site of the original mill in 1924. The grand opening took place on 1 June 1928. Originally there was a prison with a chapel, which was connected by an underground corridor with the main jury on the ground floor of the court.
The monumental three-storey building, which also houses the District Court and the Public Prosecutor's Office, began to be built according to a design by architect Bedřich Bendelmayer on the site of the original mill in 1924. The grand opening took place on 1 June 1928. Originally there was a prison with a chapel. a corridor with the main jury on the ground floor of the court. The monumental three-storey building, which also houses the District Court and the Public Prosecutor's Office, began to be built according to a design by architect Bedřich Bendelmayer on the site of the original mill in 1924. The grand opening took place on 1 June 1928 Originally there was a prison with a chapel, which was connected by underground corridor with the main jury on the ground floor of the court.
JR O on Google

Aleena Lukose on Google

Very helpful and nice behavior.

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