The Hermit

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Contact The Hermit

Address :

Pod Hradem 167, 471 52 Sloup v Čechách, Czechia

Categories :
City : Sloup v Čechách

Pod Hradem 167, 471 52 Sloup v Čechách, Czechia
Meggie Katie on Google

Petr Zelenka on Google

Martin Zdrůbek on Google

Jirka Sirka on Google

jaroslav sivak on Google

Jirka Soukup on Google

Skvělé! Moc milá obsluha. Rád se zase brzy vrátím!
Great! Very nice staff. I'd love to be back soon!
Jiri Randa on Google

Když se vrátíte zpátky na Mikovcovu ulici, uvidíte hned vlevo bývalý dům panského správce - č. 181 ( s pamětní deskou F. B. Mikovce ). Je to jediný objekt, který se zachoval po první kartounce v Čechách, založené tady v hospodářském dvoře hrabětem Kinským v roce 1763. Koncem 18. století v ní pracovalo až 400 lidí.
When you return to Mikovcova Street, you will see a former manor house - No. 181 (with the memorial plaque of F. B. Mikovec) on the left. It is the only building that survived after the first kartounce in Bohemia, founded here in the farm yard by Count Kinský in 1763. At the end of the 18th century it worked up to 400 people.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Sympatické místo je symbolicky pojmenováno podle sochy Samuela Görnera, nejslavnějšího ze zdejších poustevníků, která se tyčí na skále nad ním. Görner shlíží směrem k jeskyni, kterou vyhloubil a v níž také nějakou dobu pobýval. Tento muž proslul jako výrobce dalekohledů, proto jeden drží a pozoruje jím svou bývalou poustevnu. Podle pověsti sem Görner chodil pozorovat svého bratra, který si v jeskyni užíval se svou milou. Jednoho dne tu prý samou závistí zkameněl – a tak ho můžeme vidět dodnes. The sympathetic place is symbolically named after the statue of Samuel Görner, the most famous of the local hermits, who rises on the rock above it. Görner looks down at the cave he has excavated, and where he has been staying for some time. This man is known as a telescope maker, so he holds one and watches his former hermitage. According to legend, Görner was here to watch his brother, who enjoyed with his sweetheart in the cave. One day he said he was petrified here by envy - so we can still see him that way today.
The sympathetic place is symbolically named after the statue of Samuel Görner, the most famous of the local hermits, which rises on a rock above it. Görner looks down at the cave he had dug and stayed in for a while. This man is famous as a manufacturer of binoculars, so one holds and observes his former hermitage. According to legend, Görner came here to observe his brother, who was having fun with his sweetheart in the cave. One day he allegedly froze in envy - so we can see him to this day. The sympathetic place is symbolically named after the statue of Samuel Görner, the most famous of the local hermits, who rises on the rock above it. Görner looks down at the cave he has excavated, and where he has been staying for some time. This man is known as a telescope maker, so he holds one and watches his former hermitage. According to legend, Görner was here to watch his brother, who enjoyed with his sweetheart in the cave. One day he said he was petrified here by envy - so we can still see him that way today.

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